Friday, December 21, 2018


In a blog posr at the American Thinker today, Bruce Walker tells us that All Totalitarianism Is Leftist. This can not be stated too often. Walker:
All totalitarianism is leftist, but it is also vital to grasp that the ideological spectrum itself is simply a macabre and surreal fiction – a Jabberwocky for those familiar with Lewis Carroll – a term that describes nothing at all. Politics does not conform to any artificial geometrical model.

Conservatives – and the word "conservative" does have real meaning – will always lose, even when we "win," if we still used the rigged semantic game of our enemies, the totalitarians. Once we grasp the surreal contortion of language that deprives us of the means of understanding anything about politics, then we can always win, because all totalitarianism is exactly the same.
This is one thing that bugs me...a lot. They change their identity and their language as much as normal Americans change their cloths. They invent new words to capture these what is essentially old fashioned totalitarianism, something that has been around since Nebuchadnezzar.
The early Fascists were all Marxists. Indeed, Mussolini was the most radical Marxist in Italy before the First World War, and Trotsky considered him one of the greatest Marxists in the world. Fascism famously stood for nothing except action. It was passionately philo-Semitic before 1938, when it adopted Nazi anti-Semitism. It professed support for Catholicism, and yet it attacked high clergymen and confiscated the Vatican periodical and beat up Italians who vended it.

Nazism was founded by men who strongly opposed "Capitalism," a nonsensical term invented by Marxists that requires a tacit acceptance of the Marxist lexicon to use in thought or writing. Many of the early Nazis were outright Marxists, and most of the powerful Nazis – Himmler, Goebbels, Bormann, and Ribbentrop – belonged to what was described at the time as the "left wing" of the Nazi Party.

Why does this matter still? It matters because those who seek state power, which is to say leftists, invariably paint their opponents as "Nazis" who are "diametrically opposite" leftists, despite the fact that Nazis and Marxists have almost identical belief systems and because this false and macabre argument still persuades those Americans who have been stripped of the ability of individual thinking by the institutions of power.
Go read the whole article. The takeaway from this article is that no matter what the various leftists call themselves, whether Progressive, Liberal, Socialist, Communist, Fascist, Nazi, Anitfa, etc. etc. etc., they are all Totalitarian. They all view government as the solution to all problems, and wish to impose a one size fits all solution to what are seen as problems. They all see government as the source of your rights, and government therefore has the right to take them away. Conservatives, in contrast see government as the solution to few and distinct problems, relying instead on the private sector for most things. Conservatives see your rights as coming from our Creator. The purpose of government then is to protect these rights for all.

 As you can see, there really is no compromise with the Left, and they are not going to leave you alone.  You will be made to take sides.  Which will it be?

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