Sunday, February 3, 2019

Don't let the Left live in your head rent free

Speaking of books, David Larry Correia had this to say at his blog Monster Hunter Nation, To The Book Community: Go Fuck Yourself. An Anti Apology As his title might indicate, the language is a bit on the rough side, but we are all adults here, and I doubt we have not at least heard this sort of language on occasion.

After going through chewing out the SJWs, pointing out their hypocrisy, their inconsistency, their lack of principle, and their lack of creativity themselves, he goes on to give some good advice:
If you give veto power to anyone who is offended, then guaranteed, somebody is gonna declare they are offended. When being a victim grants power and social status, then you’ve got no shortage of people saying they’re victimized. The actual facts don’t matter. You just gave random assholes a license to mess with you, they’re going to do it, simply because they’re assholes.
Basically, they can only hurt you if grant them the ability to do so (or your publisher is a spineless coward, but that’s a whole different problem!) .
This transcends politics. It doesn’t matter who is screaming at you, an abusive bully is an abusive bully. Don’t let abusive bullies run your life. That’s not just true for writing, but life in general.
This is good advice always.  And not just for writers, or for those who want to control you by screeming "racist," "homophobe," or whatever is the latest SJW obsession.  I can not be given a resentment, for example. I can only take it. I can not let others live in my head rent free. As heartless as it sounds, I have learned to not care if others take offense.  I say what I mean, and others interpret it as they see fit.  I am not responsible for how others interpret what I say.  If my conscious is clear, then I refuse to be guilted into shutting up.


  1. Richard,

    Thank you. I have corrected. And thanks for taking the time to comment, as it shows you care.

