Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Socialism is anything but being sociable

Eileen F. Toplansky has an excellent post today at the American Thinker entitled Exposing Socialism that is a pretty good primer on what socialism really is. The left has always used twisted language to camouflage and disguise itself. But Socialism, Communism, Progressivism, Fascism, Marxism, Peoples Republics and Collectivism are different names for the same ideology. It really isn't new, it just has better camouflage than its older cousins: kings, emperors, dictators, and tyrants:
Apart from the degradation of the spirit and the eventual loss in life, socialism costs a great deal of money. For example, "Sen. Warren's blue print for democratic socialism would cost the U.S. $42 trillion, requiring tax rates on everyone of 60% or higher." Moreover, under Ocasio-Cortez’s New Green Deal "the United States of America would certainly collapse. On the left, 'from each' comes first, and the deal takes away the people’s mobility. 'To each' comes last, and the people get only the health care the government wants them to have. Promoters such as Kamala Harris don’t even bother to lie about it." Moreover, "other deprivations would be sure to follow, as they did in the USSR, China, Cuba, and most recently Venezuela. The Green New Deal, in effect, is the Democrats’ version of the Khmer Rouge’s 'Year Zero,' a suicide note for the freest, most prosperous nation in human history."
Please go and read Ms. Toplansky's article and if you don't know any of the history about which she writes, go and study it. The internet has been described as a great sewer, which it is. but there is also a lot of useful information on it too. How you separate the good info from the bad, the hoaxes, the "fake news" is the discipline of "critical thinking." The more you do it, the better it gets. I had a boss once who talked about things passing the "smell test." The more you exercise your B.S. meter, the more sensitive it gets.

End note:

At the bottom of the American Thinker article, you will note that Ms. Toplansky has her e-mail address as "middlemarch18@gmail.com,"  This marked her to me as an English professor, which she turned out to be.  I did a paper years ago on the novel Middlemarch by English novelist George Eliot (Mary Anne Evans) when I attended college myself 40 some odd years ago.  I have been reading Ms. Toplansky's articles at the American Thinker since 2010.  I hope, dear reader, you will find her writings interesting as I do.

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