Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Milano Gets Taken To The Woodshed

So, Alyssa Millano got a virtual ear full from Ted Cruz on gun control in a post by Leah Barkoukis at Townhall.com entitled Ted Cruz Launches a Tweetstorm on Alyssa Milano Over Guns, Bible.
Actress and liberal activist Alyssa Milano got quite the earful from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) after she posed a question asking if someone could “cite which passage of the Bible God states it is a God-given right to own a gun.”
This is not as uncommon as one might suspect, as people with little intelligence and few debating skills believe it is clever to propose that God did not say in the Bible that we have a right to guns, per se. However, Cruz chose to take her seriously, and answered her both seriously and correctly.

Among the Ten Commandments in Exodus, Chapter 20 is this one:
13 “You shall not murder.
Cruz correctly notes that the commandment to not murder includes also the commandment to defend your life and the lives of your neighbor and loved ones under your care.  Of course how you do that is up to you.   Each person must constantly evaluate the risks and decide for himself what he needs to defend his life, and provide a defense for his family and neighbors.

Milano tweeted back at Cruz:
She also pointed him to 1 Peter 4:8, which says: "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
Unfortunately, for Milano, the context of the scriptural reference she makes is important. The book of 1 Peter is about dealing with the suffering and persecution of the Christian communities in Asia minor which was then prevalent.  Note that one should suffer for the Gospel, but that does not mean that one should suffer death because a criminal attacks.  The admonition to defend life still holds.  Jesus came to fulfill the law.

At one point the author does say that we should love one another. However, loving one another does not detract from being prepared to defend one another. Indeed, preparing to defend one another shows great love for the other person.  Again, context matters.

Please read the whole story, and hope that Milano meets Cruz in person.  She would be taken to the woodshed indeed.

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