Saturday, March 12, 2022

Carlson's Friday Monologue

 Andrea Widburg, someone I find myself reading every day, indeed looking forward to, has another excellent post today entitled Perhaps Tucker Carlson's most profound monologue ever. Widburg notes that she is a fan of Tucker Carlson, as am I. Like Widburg, I don't always agree with Carlson, but I find him thought provoking and worthwhile.

If you did not watch Tucker Carlson Tonight, you can read the relavant parts at Widburg's post, and there is an embedded video at the end of the post. But here are the important points: 1) The scavenger class has taken advantage of the war in Ukraine to award themselves again "emergency powers." 2) The President and the ruling class are acting illegally, and no one is talking about it. 3) The Biden administration is lying to everyone about the cause of inflation and rising prices.

I understand all of this as leading the United States into the "Great Reset." They want to deliberately impoverish the middle class, and make us all depented on the government, initiate ESG so that we must parrot the regime line or we won't be able to buy or sell (sound familiar?). Oh, and they want to destroy Christianity. They have, according to Archbishop Vigano, infiltrated the Church and elected their own pope, who is changing the ancient teaching of the Church in accord with modernism. How long until if we give a tithe to the Church, we will be unable to transact any business whatsoever.  This is all done to enrich our scavenger class, who do not seem to produce anything, but get richer and richer while everyone else gets poorer and poorer.  Sounds like ancient Israel.

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