Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Pray that the Holy Spirit Softens Hearts on Both Sides of the War in the Ukraine

 I am currently reading A Voice In The Wilderness: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano on the Church, America, and the World. Yes, it deals with the Catholic Church, the pope, Archbishop McCarrick and other high clergy who have either committed crimes against the faithful, or kept quiet about it. It is also about Vatican II and how it changed the Catholic religion after 2000 years. You might be wondering why a Missouri Synod Lutheran would be concerned with the goings on in the Catholic Church? Well, while Lutherans have some differences with the Catholic Church, (think praying to saints and the whole mariology thing.) which caused the separation from that Church in the first place, we are all Christians. We are all one body of Christ, and when one part of the body is hurting, it affects us all.

Thus, when I saw Monica Showalter's post at the American Thinker entitled Leftist Jesuit Publication Dismisses Archbishop Vigano's Latest Warning as 'Conspiracy Theory'. Showalter quite reasonably asks: if Vigano is spouting conspiracy theories, why is his letter getting lots of traffic?

Here's the other thing: Conspiracy theorists are generally marginal unless something is really off kilter with the official reality. They're wackos. People ignore them. They are dismissed. Can America explain why this nastily headlined Religion News Service piece is number one in the the America publication's traffic right now? Check it out here. Correlation is not causation but this is not a typical pattern for an otherwise easily dismissable 'conspiracy theory' promoter.

According to the America article, Vigano wrote:

“The United States of America and the European States must not marginalize Russia but build an alliance with it, not only to restart trade for the prosperity of all, but in lieu of the reconstruction of a Christian Civilization, which will be the only one able to save the world from the transhuman and medical-technical globalist monster,” the archbishop wrote in his nearly 10,000 word letter.
The archbishop said in his letter that Putin has been cornered by an aggressive NATO, backed by the United States, which is seeking to escalate the conflict for its own gains. “This is the trap for Russia just as much as Ukraine, using both to allow a globalist elite to bring its criminal plot to fruition,” Viganò wrote.
With the Archbishop, pray for the people of both Russia and Ukraine. The Russian government may not be our friend, but we should pray that the Holy Spirit softens hearts on both sides of this war.

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