Tuesday, March 15, 2022

You must not live by lies

 Some time ago I came up with the notion that we shouldn't be tolerant of lies, that tolerating the lie demoralizes ourselves, which is the purpose behind the lies of the Left. Once I had come to this conclusion, I began noticing that a number of other thinkers had realized the same thing, or more likely, had always known what I just discovered.  I am, it must be noted, a slow learner. 

At Crisis Magazine, a Catholic publication, Kennedy Hall has a piece making the point again that we should not tolerate lies entitled The Totalitarian Covid Narrative Was Founded on "Tolerance." Hall makes the case that it is our tolerance, normally a good quality to have in a pluralistic society, which has been exploited to allow so many lies to become the dominant narrative.

When this all started, we were told to “respect everyone’s wishes so they can feel safe.” Okay, fair enough, there is nothing wrong with giving people a little breathing room if they need it.
But, after the initial scare in early 2020, it has been clear for anyone willing to take out a calculator and do some basic arithmetic that this thing never amounted to—and would never amount to—a plague of epic proportions.

Initially, my workplace required us to wear masks, and to wipe down every surface we touched. They even encouraged wearing gloves. The gloves and the wiping down of everything was the first to go, since it was discovered early on that the virus quickly died in the sunlight and didn't transfer on surfaces. But the masks hung in there for a while. One person was especially fanatic about masks, using the fact that his wife had had cancer as an excuse. But even that wore thin for most of us. None of us had any problem with him wearing a mask to protect himself and his wife. But if he wore a mask, why did the rest of us, who would never come anywhere near his wife, need to wear one too? Thinking logically about this began to strain credulity for most people.

But the more I encountered such thinking, or indeed lack thereof, the more I realized that COVID was a training exercise. We were being buffaloed to accept the lies of the Left uncritically. No time to think, just react. Quick now. Everyone is telling us to act a certain way.  The "experts" and the government are telling us to act a certain way.  Tolerance tells us to act that way even if we don't believe it.

No! We must always be ready to bear witness to the truth. 

The current Ukrainian narrative is therefore instructive. The narrative is that Russia is bad and Ukraine is good. We must be on the side of the Ukrainians or else we are carrying Putin's water. But Madison Cawthorne perhaps has it right when he said that both governments are corrupt, and that America's interests suggest staying out of the conflict, while backing up our NATO allies. Getting into the middle of a war only helps Biden and the globalists.
Christ came to tell us He was the Truth. Without the Truth there is no life, certainly no eternal life.
It is not a coincidence that Satan is called the Father of Lies.
Lies are not from God, they are from Hell, or from us; and when they are from us, they are from our hellish self, not our heavenly self.
Every, single, time we acquiesce to lies, we run the risk of living by them. It is a slippery slope that can become a veritable cliff if we are not careful.
Of course, one doesn't need to make a total ass and bore of oneself. But understand who you are. You are the body of Christ. You are in the world, but not OF the world. You must not live by lies!

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