Sunday, March 27, 2022

Rational Christianity

 Nicholas J. Kaster has an excellent book report on Eric Metaxas book Is Atheism Dead at the American Thinker today. The article is entitled Eric Metaxas makes the case for God. Metaxas brings together much of the evidence for the existence of God from a variety of sources including science and archeology. Metaxas shows that a belief in God is not irrational. More, he shows that God first fashioned a universe that would bring about thinking people who would recognize Him and have a relationship with Him. Moreover, he has also intervened in history. While Metaxas is himself an Evangelical Christian, he makes few claims about theological matters, leaving those to others.

Unfortunately, the whole article is one long pull quote. The discovery of the Big Bang made for a distinct beginning, just as the Book of Genesis tells us. Then there is the unbelievably fine tuning of the universe. Could that have happened just randomly? What about the theory of evolution? Evolution proposes that random mutations, most of which would be unfavorable, account for the wide variety of species on Earth. Yet there is not enough time for evolution to have taken place without some intelligent guidance. But worse, the theory proposes that life emerged from nonliving matter on the Earth's surface. However, once one understands how complex the simplest forms of life are, and how each of the systems must be in place for the life to exist at all, to continue to believe that the cell came about by random events becomes untenable.

The field of Biblical Archeology has grown steadily in the twentieth century. It even has its own Biblical Archeology Review. Importantly, archeology has proven the existence of figures and places mentioned in the Bible, which lends authenticity to the rest of it. Importantly, no archeological discovery contradicts the Bible.

Whether you believe in God or not is ultimately a matter for the Holy Spirit.  But understand that those who believe in God and worship Him are not irrational.  In fact, believers are happier and more resilient.  Indeed, if you are on the fence, you might want to repent by opening your mind.  No one can save you but God himself, and please note that Jesus is calling you.

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