Where you go to church matters, more than you know. I am currently reading a book by Archbishop Vigano that speaks of the same things, in more detail, that Janet Levy writes about at the American Thinker entitled The False Gospel of the Enemies Within the Church. Note that Vigano's book, A Voice in the Wilderness: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano on the Church, America, and the World is a long tome, some 400 plus pages. If you are not Catholic, some of it may seem obscure. On the other hand, Levy's article is very approachable.
Christianity has been intricately intertwined with the history and development of America and greatly contributed to its strength. Judeo-Christian morality, in fact, has been the compass and one of the most powerful influences on Western society. So, the Marxists see Christianity as the main obstacle to overthrowing Westphalian principles of sovereignty. To them, the church is the most crucial institution to conquer to usher in the New World Order. They know that if the churches fail – especially in America, which represents the phenomenal success of capitalism and individualism – the entire culture, including politics, will move to the Left.
Most Americans will be surprised to learn that an unholy crusade to infiltrate the bastions of Christianity and co-opt churches in the revolution began more than a hundred years ago. It is now threatening to gain critical mass.
This danger is the subject of a new film, Enemies Within the Church, produced by Cary Gordon, Trevor Loudon and Judd Saul. It chronicles the destructive infiltration of the churches and the injection of “wokeism” -- Marxism, social justice, Critical Race Theory, gender fluidity – into church doctrine. The choir of radical Left ideology, having targeted and gradually co-opted the media, Hollywood, Big Tech, the unions and the political parties, set its sights on penetrating and controlling the churches, a difficult, long-term endeavor. And, as the film explains, the communists eventually succeeded in penetrating the Bible colleges, seminaries, and pulpits of many denominations to push Christianity into the direction they want.Vigano calls out, alternatively "modernists", free masons, communists, and the homosexual mafia. Levy cites communists and globalists. What all these people have in common is that they are Satanists, in that they have been influenced by Satan to do evil. They are nihilists, and believe in power and politics above all. But there is Truth and Light and Life on the one hand, and there are lies, and darkness and death on the other. Abortion, for example, is not from God but from Satan. Identity politics, denies the creation of mankind, ALL mankind, in the image of God. Which side are you on?
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