Sunday, April 24, 2022

God calls us all to dump the BLM signs and follow Him

 Our church, not one of those "woke" churches, is surrounded by houses with BLM signs in their yards.  The signs are typically of the type seen here. The sayings written on the signs vaguely sound like religious creeds, as if they are mocking God. For example, Christians have the Apostles Creed, which provides a shorthand summary of Christian beliefs. On the other hand, the sayings on the signs are a series of nice sentiments but when one drills down an inch or two, you realize they have no real meaning. Yet these people act as if these are newly discovered profundities no one has ever thought of before.

"Black Lives Matter." Well, of course. But it is not only black lives that matter. All human lives matter. We are all created in the image of God, and therefore to destroy someone's life without justification is to destroy an image of God. It is a very serious matter. Frankly, I don't believe most police take the killing of anyone lightly.  On the other hand, the organization "Black Lives Matter" is a Marxist group formed to suck in a lot of money and power to its founders.  The organization doesn't care about black lives, or any lives for that matter.

"Women's Rights are Human Rights." Please note that women are a subset of humanity. Thus the saying is a tautology. Rights, properly understood are entitlements granted to all human beings by our Creator, such as freedom of religion or speech. Women have, and have always had the same rights to these things as men. I understand that these rights may not have always been recognized as they  should have been, but that does not mean that women did not have rights. What is NOT a right are entitlements that require another person to supply goods or services to make the entitlement manifest. For example, each of us has the right to self defense, and for that defense we have the right to own and carry weapons. But we can not require the government supply weapons to us at taxpayer expense. Similarly, we have freedom of the press, but no one is required to provide presses to any individual.

"No Human Is Illegal." This saying is simply deceptive. The issue is not illegal people, but rather peoples' behaviors that are defined in the law as legal or illegal. Simply crossing a border without going through the established process is defined as illegal, and the person who does this is an "illegal alien." If, say Americans were to cross into Mexico without going through a port of entry, Mexico, take the jobs of Mexicans, then send the money back to the United States, one suspects the Mexican government would prosecute these people, sentence them to a term in prison before deporting back here. Indeed, can a nation exist without defending its borders? Knowing that Mexico's justice system is very different from ours (and considerably less just) would these people actually prefer to have Mexican justice here?

"Science Is Real." Well, of course. But that is not what they are actually talking about. This is another deception. What they really mean by "science" is "scientism." Science tells us, for example, that one's sex is not "assigned" at birth, but is a part of everyone from conception. A male may cut and mutilate himself all he desires, but he is still male. He has not changed his DNA one iota. He still can not conceive and bear a child. Only a woman can bear a child, and it is for this reason that women should be cherished. Of course, there are a lot of other wacky ideas in "scientism" that science does not support, but you get the idea.

"Love Is Love." (Sigh) Another Tautology. Of course, love is love, but that has never been the point. Raising children is the point. Children are best served with a mother and a father in a stable, respectful relationship. Note that I did not say "loving" relationship. Having a father and mother who love each other is a plus, but the idea of marrying for love is relatively modern, and the older I get the less it seems a good idea.  My own parents did love each other, but more importantly, the truly respected each other.

And finally, "Kindness Is Everything" is a beautiful sentiment. But it is not true. Read the Gospels. Jesus was not always kind. Look at how he tore the Pharisees a new one, or his thoughts on the Sadducees.  Yes, God does love every one, but he also does not suffer fools lightly.

If the sayings on these signs is a creed, a religion if you will, it has to be one of the most flaccid, insipid manifestos ever devised by man. But God calls us all to be better people than these signs would indicate.

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