Saturday, April 9, 2022

Uncle Screwtape Strikes Again

 M. B. Matthews has a piece that points out that evil starts out in a man through surreptitious temptations to known human weaknesses.  It sneaks up on us.  But this is nothing new, as the famous Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis made clear. Mathews article can be found at the American Thinker entitled Screwtape Comes to America.

C.S. Lewis' 1942 satirical Screwtape Letters is probably the best literary work of its kind in describing how evil and the devil take root, undetected, in the life of human beings. Our tendency is to think of evil as overt, obvious, and easily discerned. We believe we are smart enough to spot it but Lewis rightly warns us that we are not.
In this classic primer, Uncle Screwtape, a Senior Devil, writes a series of letters to his nephew Wormwood, a Junior apprentice Tempter, discipling him how to surreptitiously tempt a Christian man ("The Patient") away from God. It is a revelatory tour de force by Lewis, who admitted it gave him no pleasure to write Screwtape. The book was supposed to be light satire but is actually deadly serious and is treated as such by literary critics and Christians worldwide.
In America, evil is often overlooked because it does not come in a red velvet body suit, tail and horns. Still, evil is everywhere being mistaken for good. For example:
"It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in Reality our best work is done by keeping things out…. turn their gaze away from Him [God] towards themselves. Keep them watching their own minds and trying to produce feelings there by the action of their own wills."
  Many are so self-absorbed that there is no room for God or anything else. In fact, our culture is set up to deliberately turn attention away from God inward toward one's own feelings. America's TikTok culture reflects this perfectly.

As Mathews points out, America is in the grip of great evil. We have given power to people who hate America as founded, who hate the people who are here, preferring instead people from countries where the government claims to take care of the people. Immigrants expect the same thing here. But make no mistake, the promises made to these people are never kept because they can not be kept. The people we have given power to want to turn the Unites States over to the globalists. But the globalists are nothing more than kleptocrats on a grand scale. If allowed into our system, they will bring nothing but misery and death to America, while stealing its wealth.

The Roman "elites" had a term for how they controlled the so called unwashed. It was called "Bread and Circuses." The Will Smith slap of Chris Rock incident is the perfect example. Everyone is talking about it. But what does it really mean?  Why is it "news'?  One entitled rich guy slaps another entitled rich guy on television. Yes, it was shocking. But why does it occupy the serious news shows? The answer is bread and circuses. Something to distract the average person and take his or her mind off more important things. And no, focusing on God is not another distraction, but rather allows us to see the real issues more clearly.

I have one bone to pick with Mathews. That is the notion that science is the Left's god. Science, the act of discovering how God's creation works through falsifiable experimentation is part of discovering God's Truth. Rather, the Left's god is the very opposite of science, termed "scientism." Scientism resembles science to those who do not practice real science. But scientism uses circular and unfalsifiable theories like climate change.  None of the Left's treasured agenda such as CRT, Transgenderism, climate change, etc. can not be supported by the facts.  In fact, as we keep discovering, science supports a belief in God, and why wouldn't it.  God created the universe.

Please go read Mathews article. 

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