Thursday, April 7, 2022

The Disney Company Must Die

I grew up with Disney characters and the Mickey Mouse Club. I remember watching Annette Funicello and the other Mouseketeers.  It was all good clean fun. Never went to Disney World, because we really couldn't afford it. Still, we could go see the movies such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. So it was shocking to see Disney's high level employees brag about grooming children into the LBGTxyz movement. Other companies have gone woke and it is disappointing, but this is an utter betrayal of all that Disney stood for. Walt Disney is no doubt rolling over in his grave. 

But right on time, Kurt Schlichter has an article at today entitled Destroy Disney. You should go read it. Kurt is up to his usual acerbic wit with this one:

Nothing personal, but the Mouse must die. Oh wait, it is personal, especially for people with little kids who this giant corporation has targeted at the behest of the minority of blue-haired, nose-ringed strange-os in its employ. That Walt Disney is likely turning over in his cryogenic chamber beneath the Disneyland Castle is irrelevant. The man who created an American institution is gone, as is said American institution. It's now a global institution, and the America part is vastly outweighed by the Chi Com component. We used to trust Disney to take care of our kids, not take them over. Well, it made its choice, and it's time to make ours.
The Republicans must figuratively post Mickey's soon-to-be public domain head on a pike. This is what happens to corporations that cross us.
And cross us Disney did. It did not have to stick Donald's beak into Florida's fight to keep grooming perverts from messing with first graders' heads. But stick it did, mewling and howling about the unfairness of Ron DeSantis taking the bullseye off our little ones. It promised to use its power to change the law, not just by advocacy but with contributions and veiled threats to pack up and go.
To which Ron the Avenger replied, "Pack your Schiff."
Schlichter points out that Disney gets an awful lot of special deals from governments and all levels. Republicans could, and should take these away. If Disney wants to help the Chicomms destroy the United States, let them get their special bennys from the Chicomms. But more to the point, the Republicans have to make an example of someone, and Disney has volunteered to be the example. We must destroy Disney to send a message to the rest of woke capital. So, in fact, it really isn't personal.

Understand that what two adults do in the bedroom is of no interest to me. But when they are grooming children, then I get, like Schlichter, quite worked up. It is the same way with homosexual priests. The fact of their homosexuality is between them and the hierarchy, but when they start corrupting children, I get upset. And make no mistake, when a group as small as the Gay and Lesbian community, and they are not even a substantial minority, can wield this much power, they are hardly an oppressed group. Indeed, it begins to feel as if they are the bullies.

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