Saturday, April 2, 2022

The Myth of the Party Switch

It's like the story of the babies switched at birth.  While it makes for a good literary plot line, I am unaware of it actually happening in real life.  Over at the American Thinker Bob Ryan has a piece asking When did the parties Switch on Civil Rights? I hear it often from Democrats, who claim the parties switched sides.  Really?  So, Bull Connor was really a Republican? Is that it?  Connor famously turned fire hoses onto Civil Rights protesters in the 1960s. Or maybe Governor of Arkansas Orval Faubus was actually a Republican? Faubus famously used the state national guard to prevent the "Little Rock Nine" from entering school when ordered to by the Supreme Court.

In 1957, the first major confrontation over this decision came when African American students attempted to integrate Central High School in Little Rock. After Governor Faubus surrounded the school with Arkansas National Guard troops, a showdown with federal officials ensued. On September 24, President Dwight Eisenhower (a Republican, I might add) sent 1,000 U.S. troops to Little Rock. The next day, the African American students entered under heavily armed guard. The episode served as a catalyst for the integration of other segregated schools in the United States.
No, the racist party has always been, and continues to be the Democrat party. That they are also the party of abortion and infanticide, and pedophilia only cements my belief that they are the party of evil. Note that not everyone who votes for Democrats is not necessarily in on the evil that the party stands for, but the Democrat Party itself is, in my opinion, the evil party.  End of rant.

Ryan presents a number of the people and places in history where Democrats point to as somehow switching sides, including using FDR.  Notes Ryan:
The Republican Party was the civil rights party right from its inception. From abolition to fighting for women to have the right to vote, it has always been the Republicans leading the way. But according to Democrats, the parties switched at some point in history. When asked for a specific date, different answers are given. There is no consensus as to when the switch happened. They just know it happened.
There is a great deal of disagreement from Democrats when the switch happened spanning many decades, but thoroughly convinced the switch occurred.
Spoiler alert, it never happened. It is why you see Leftists now resegregating dorms at colleges and graduation ceremonies. It is why there are separate "safe spaces." These and other perversions are not Republican ideas, they are Democrat ideas. The Party of Progressivism is bringing back from the dead the old ideas we fought so hard to get rid of. Even more disturbing is how so many young blacks seem to be embracing these horrid ideas. <sarcasm> Wouldn't their grandparents be so proud!</sarcasm>

Please go read the whole article.  While the Republicans have shown themselves to often be less courageous than we would like, they at least have the virtue of not standing as a group for evil.  Not much of an endorsement I know, but it may be all one can hope for this side of Heaven.

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