Thursday, January 11, 2024

Don't Forgive Them, Because They Didn't Ask

At today, Kurt Schlichter has a piece entitled Yeah, No-We're Not Ready To Forgive Bud Light. As Schlichter points out:

Forgiveness requires a recognition of wrongdoing, an apology, and the making of amends. One thing I haven’t seen is anybody from Bud Light saying, "You know, we suck. We shouldn’t have glorified this weirdo and his whole bizarre agenda, and we shouldn’t have insulted and disrespected our largely conservative consumers. We were wrong to do that. That was bad, and we’re never going to do it again. We reject this whole trans weirdness, and we love you, our consumers. You’re the heart and soul of America. You built our country, you feed it, you fuel it, and you fight its wars, and you are great Americans, and we love you, and we’re sorry. We’re sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry, and we will never do it again.” That would be a start.

But, as Schlichter says, they aren't sorry at all. They're only unhappy their customers retaliated.

But they don’t want to make it all better. The officers still have to get along with their 30-year-old liberal second wives – I don’t know if they actually have 30-year-old liberal second wives, but you know that none of the executives want to have to explain to their peer group how they cater to normal Americans rather than to the weirdo contingent. They don’t want to apologize because they aren’t sorry. They don’t want to promise that they are not going to do it again because they totally will. Again, this woke crap wasn’t an accident or an anomaly. This is what they think. They think that guys can pretend to be women, and that’s a good thing, and they think that their consumers are idiots rather than just guys with terrible taste in suds. And they don’t want to make amends. They want to sweep it under the rug. Their broom is a check.
And I’m just disgusted by the conservative influencers who play along. This was a great moment in cultural conservatism. This is when we all came together and said, no, enough, you shall not pass. But the minute Bud Light got out its checkbook, we got pseudo-conservatives turning to us with a straight face and saying, "Well, you know, maybe Bud Light got a raw deal."
No, we got a raw deal. We got a raw deal from people who pretend they care about what we care about and instead care more about the almighty dollar. Millions of dollars is a lot of money, and I understand the temptation. And I understand some people are too weak to fight the temptation. But that doesn’t require that the rest of us go along with it. When you see some hack explaining why you should drink Bud Light, you should understand that the guy is not only aesthetically wrong about a terrible beer but is trying to manipulate you.

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