Thursday, January 4, 2024

In Staying With the Left, Jews Forced To Violate Their Principles and Integrity

I have been disappointed with many "conservative" voices calling out the anti-semitism of the authoritarian fascist far-left because it fails to say why we should be supporting the Jews and Israel. Sure, hatred is bad. But there are reasons that go beyond these secular parameters, and J. R. Dunn has hit on a number of them in his article at the American Thinker today entitled Beating the Anti-Semites. Dunn points out that it is not possible to be a practicing Jew and be a Leftist. Indeed, it is not possible to be a practicing Christian and be a Leftist. Whether you are reading the Torah (the first five books of the Bible, known as the Law) or you are reading the Bible, you will come across a contradiction between what you should be doing as opposed to what you are actually doing. Christ demands that we repent of these things, that we rethink what we are doing and change our ways.  But the Left pretends that doing these things is really good.

As an aside, now after 70 years as a "conservative" I have come to disagree with the founders of the "conservative" movement, Russel Kirk. Kirk proposed that conservatism contains no ideology. I suppose he was writing in opposition to Marxism, so in that sense I will forgive Dr. Kirk. But conservatism does indeed have an "ideology" that goes back to the Garden of Eden, and man's fall from grace. Conservatism believes in the fallen nature of mankind, and in the idea that only God can bring about his reconciliation with Him through the life and death and resurrection of His Son. The notion that man is "perfectable" if we just make enough rules, and murder of enough dissenters is pure hogwash. Yet it always comes down to murdering a whole bunch of people.

Jews were swept into the Left's orbit because of the idea of intersectionality. Just as the homosexual movement needed to gather together the gays, lesbians, bisexuals and all the other perverts under the umbrella which has become known as LGBTQWERTY++2S, so the Left gathers groups of disaffected malcontents who, on their own would be ignored by politicians. Then they enforce a "one for all and all for one" lockstep on each individual group. This leads to ridiculous things like gays protesting for Hamas, even though Muslims would throw them off high buildings the gay men were to go to Gaza.

Anti-Semitism within the American Left is largely the product of intersectionality, the concept that all aspects of leftist activism – Blacks, Latins, gays, Muslims, and whatever -- are interwoven and must be mutually supportive. All leftists must accept and support all left-wing constituencies no matter what contradictions might exist. Civil rights activists must support abortion, union members must support gun control, and gay rights activists must support the Palestinians (despite the fact that they’d one and all be given a brief flying lesson if they were to be caught out in much of the Muslim world). This is how the Left asserts itself and gains power. It’s a Third Millennial version of the Popular Front politics of the mid-20th century, in which liberals, communists, social democrats and what have you were all called to do their part in fighting the bourgeois (which, in practice, meant putting the commies in power).

You see the problem don't you? Jews are being asked to support the very people and organizations that want to kill them. But Jews are not as self-loathing as the gays.

It follows from this that any leftist who buys into intersectionality – which is all of them – is objectively (as any good Trotskyite would put it) an anti-Semite. You can’t duck this or contradict it. If you support the American Left, then you support Hamas, which supports annihilating Jews “from the river to the sea.” There are consequences for holding such ideas, and those consequences will be forthcoming.
The flip side of this is that no American Jew who supports his community, who values his heritage, can honestly call himself a leftist. This despite the fact that most American Jews (the ultra-orthodox excepted) were raised in liberal-left traditions. It’s a difficult thing to overturn the convictions of a lifetime, but it has to be done. As it stands, American Jews are in the ghastly position of collaborating with those out to destroy them.

I would add here for emphasis that no Christian can honestly call himself a Leftist. Such Leftist innovations as abortion are so offensive to God that we can not accept it, period. Legislatures are called extreme for limiting abortions to 12 or 15 weeks, but they are doing so because of our hard hearts. But any Christian should call it murder plain and simple. This makes sense because the theology is the same in both the Old and New Testaments. There is no difference.

Dunn makes the point that it is time, indeed long past time, for Jews to join American conservatives. The conservatives won't make Jews violate their principles and integrity to satisfy their agenda.

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