Sunday, January 21, 2024

Pray Today For The Unborn

 In an essay at today, Dr. Robb Brunansky tells us about A Biblical Commemoration of the Sanctity of Life. It is fine to oppose abortion for practical reasons, as always following the Law of God is also good practice.  So, citing these reasons may make someone think.  But we should oppose abortion vehemently on spiritual grounds. God does not take the act of abortion lightly, and neither should we.

This Sunday marks the 40th anniversary of National Sanctity of Life Day, when we celebrate human life, especially the lives of the unborn. Over the past forty years, many changes have occurred in the pro-life movement. The development of sonogram technology has advanced the pro-life cause as people see more clearly that what is growing in the womb is not merely a clump of cells but a human being. Movies and other pro-life campaigns have also helped expose the true evil of those who murder children in the womb. Of course, the most significant development was the U.S. Supreme Court rightly overturning Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

I have said on a number of occasions that the claim that the fetus is just a clump of cells that can be casually cast away is pure sophistry, designed to excuse the woman having the abortion, and relieve her of her guilt. But the truth is it is murder, and it usually doesn't work as advertised.  Just as the blood of Able cried out from the ground, the cries of the children aborted remain in their mother's ears.  They sense the joy they would feel had they brought their children into the world.

Which brings me to the three reasons Brunansky gives for why we must oppose abortion on theological grounds:

First, abortion attacks the character and nature of God.
When the Bible describes who God is, one key attribute of God is that He is the source and giver of life. In the Creation account, God brings all life into existence in the world. The world God made was very good, and it was devoid of death.
Furthermore, when God created humanity, He created us in His image (Genesis 1:26-27). We were created to reflect the reality of who God is. Because we are the image of God, any attack on human beings without divine sanction is an attack on God Himself. That includes murder on babies being knit together in the womb.


Second, abortion attacks those God cherishes.
Throughout Scripture, we see the divine importance placed upon children. Jesus Himself was the chief example of God’s love for children. In Luke 18:15-17, people brought their babies to Jesus to be blessed by Him. The disciples found this to be inconvenient for Jesus, and they rebuked these parents. Our Lord, however, far from finding children to be a nuisance, loved them and desired they be brought to Him to bless them.


Finally, God has commanded us to defend the weak and vulnerable.

Of course, as Christians, we must have compassion on those who, having made poor choices, finding themselves in such a predicament. After all, as Paul wrote, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We need to find ways to help people considering abortion to choose life instead.

...This Sanctity of Life Sunday, let us remember as Christians why we value life, why we oppose the murder of those in their mother’s wombs, and why we seek to abolish such murder from our land. And may God pour out His compassionate mercies upon us and change the hearts of our fellow Americans, that we might live in a nation whose people love life because we love Christ.

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