Tuesday, January 16, 2024

What Happens When Muslims Reach Significant Minority Status

 Olivia Murray has a post at the American Thinker today that tells us that the Muslim hordes display a warlike dominance across Europe under the pretense of 'prayer'. More and more people are coming to the understanding that Islam is a totalitarian control system under the pretense of a religion. But Islam is not a religion in the sense that the West understands 'religion.' Because Muslims claim that Allah is God, many people are mislead. But as you will learn from watching Dr. David Woods at Acts 17 Polemics, Islam is not in fact a religion, and Allah is the Devil claiming to be Yahweh, the true God. Islam, is a lie, from start to finish proclaimed by the father of lies to fool people into rejecting the Christ.

Like a dog marks his territory with urination, so do the new-to-Europe third world Muslim invaders with “prayer.” Ostensibly, they came as asylum seekers and refugees, displaced and downtrodden, ready to adapt and contribute to the West. Now that there’s enough of them, they can throw off the shackles of subterfuge and openly act in accordance with what they planned from the very beginning… in a particularly warlike way.
Either intentionally or coincidentally, these Muslim hordes are engaged in the conquering tactics articulated by Saul Alinsky in his well-known Lucifer-dedicated book, Rules for Radicals:
For an elementary illustration of tactics, take parts of your face as the point of reference; your eyes, your ears, and your nose. First the eyes; if you have organized a vast, mass-based people’s organization, you can parade it visibly before the enemy and openly show your power.
Just as Alinsky desired to undermine the virtues and ethos of the West, so do the new-to-Europe third world Muslim invaders.


Sure, this is Islamic prayer—aggressive, domineering, and disruptive—but this is not the Judeo-Christian prayer of the West, which is meek, gentle, and humble.

Among the "beautiful names of Allah" include "trickster." A Muslim never knows if he will be saved or if Allah will decide to send him to hell anyway for no reason. Allah does not love people, there is no concept of grace. Frankly, I think I will stick with the True God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  I would also point out that the Constitution is consistent with Christianity, but Islam is antithetical to American values.

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