Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thank God My Parents Left Europe Two Generations Ago

 Raymond Ibrahim at the American Thinker today has an article entitled 'Europeans Will Succumb to Islam' Says Former Intelligence Chief. It is a disturbing article on many levels. I won't quote extensively from it, as gentle readers are welcome to click and read it for yourselves. One of the thoughts I had was that the takeover by Islam of Europe leaves us with only one ally in the world, Israel. But even more disturbingly, it paints our debates over the Second Amendment, and the right to self-defense in an entirely new light.

In short, “Europeans will succumb to Islam. On the one hand, because they are unable to even see this conflict coming, and on the other, because they are incapable of resolving conflicts in a similar fashion.”
By this, he means that Europeans are incapable of resolving conflict the way the Muslims who are flooding their conflict do -- through violence. After describing Islam as “a completely different culture” that “we are not at all prepared for,” the former intelligence chief stressed that “we’re incapable of resolving conflicts even by means of violence, like family clans do from the Arab states. These people resolve conflicts by violence, whereas people in Central Europe think that this can only be done through the courts.”
This is an important point and explains the paralysis. For most non-western peoples, not just Muslims, if they see something that they believe is wrong, they fix it -- including through force. Most western people, on the other hand, are so accustomed into believing that a “rule of law” still exists -- that the authorities will see justice done. This is clearly no longer the case. The sooner this is acknowledged, the better. Otherwise, and as Maaßen concluded, “The end result will be the gradual destruction of our European cultures.”

There was a time in Europe when conflicts were settled as the Muslims do with violence by clan actions, because courts were few and dispense "justice" rather haphazardly. Now, I am not saying that is right; far from it. But there are always situations where when seconds count, the police are minutes away. The individual is always the first responder and should have the means to defend himself and his family at all times. But Europeans have never had a Second Amendment, and so slowly, over time, they have been reluctantly forced to rely on their governments to protect them.

But what do you do when you government no longer protects you. In London recently, a woman was arrested for praying silently on the street in front of an abortion clinic. At the same time, Muslims can block the street with their "prayers" in mass. They use "prayers" as a weapon.  Here, the government no longer protects you and me, while giving the green light to muggers, murderers and thieves to plunder the population. Taxpayer money is being handed out to illegal aliens which means we are paying for our own replacements. How the Left must be laughing.

It will not go well for the Europeans when Sharia becomes the law of the land. Unfortunately, they did it to themselves by abandoning God.

In this environment, where we can not trust anyone at any level of government, maintaining our weapons and ammunition is critically important. The Left keeps desperately trying anything that might stick to nullify the Second Amendment. They keep attempting to form a register such that they can go door to door and confiscate our guns. We can not let that happen. Only the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob can know what will happen, but we need to be prepared. Remember that any claimed "law" that goes against the Constitution is no law at all.

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