Ever since Trump signed his executive order ending birthright citizenship for illegal aliens, the Left has been going crazy. Several states have sued trying to stop him. Now, COL Allen West has weighed in on the issue at Townhall.com giving us a black man's interpretation of the 14th Amendment. Naturally, West thinks the Amendment was designed to grant citizenship to recently freed slaves, not to people who illegally cross our borders and drop a baby. The heart of West's argument is this:
I find it very perplexing, and hypocritical, that the progressive socialist left, aka the Democrat party, is so interested in the 14th Amendment. Back when it was being created and debated, Democrats were staunchly against the 14th Amendment. Matter of fact, they were against the preceding 13th Amendment which ended slavery in America. These two Amendments, along with the 15th, were legislative endeavors, policies, sought out by Republicans. Yes, the same Republican Party that was established for one single issue, the abolition of slavery. I believe that we should have a strict originalist interpretation of the Constitution, not this living constitution nonsense leftists seek to impart. And they do so for a very specific reason, and that is to manipulate the Constitution to fit into their designed ideological agenda.
And such is the case with the 14th Amendment, especially Section 1.
The 14th Amendment's original intent was to grant citizenship to the Blacks in America who had just been made free by the 13th Amendment. Remember again that the Democrats did not support either of these amendments then, and according to Joe Biden, “No amendment to the Constitution is absolute.” This is the same Joe Biden who delivered the eulogy for a known Klansman, his Senate Democrat colleague Robert Byrd.
Now we have these delusional leftists who want us to believe, and accept their “living interpretation” that anyone can just waltz across the border into our Republic and be a citizen. They want us to believe that we have no sovereign borders and citizenship in these United States is a privilege to all, and even a birthright. For me, as an American Black man who has had generations in his family serve this Nation in uniform, and in combat, this is offensive, condescending. The leftists are taking something intended to right a wrong, which they created and did not support, and now manipulating it to the advantage of those entering our Country illegally. And this is being done all to the detriment of the American Black community, hence the protest in places like Chicago.
Now, many experts agree with West, but the question will wind up in the Supreme Court. So what any of the so-called "experts" think is irrelevant. Once again the meaning of the law is being decided by 9 men in black robes. *Sigh*.