Friday, January 24, 2025

California Wildfires Negate All Their Supposed "Savings" of Greenhouse Gases

 I noted several days ago in a post here entitled Do Californians Deserve What They Get From Their Leaders? that the wildfires are putting out more greenhouse gases than decades of so called "savings" from the EVs. Now D. Parker at the American Thinker has just reiterated the point with additional data in a post entitled It must be climate change.

First, it was global cooling, then global warming, until they came up with the climate crisis wording that never had to change.
Sometimes, the phrasing is all they need. Back in the 1970s, the ominous threat was from global cooling until things started warming up. Then, they turned on a dine to make it global warming. And that’s still the operative propaganda phrase when the weather is going in the right direction. But then the environmental activists came up with the phrase for the crisis that made it unfalsifiable -- climate change.
So, when there’s a cold snap -- it’s climate change. A heat wave -- climate change. Snow -- well, you get the picture. The funny thing is that for most normal folks, this is becoming a joke, to the point that people started referring to the arsonists accused of starting some of the LA wildfires as ‘climate change.’


The state’s record-breaking 2020 fire season, which saw more than 4 million acres burn, spewed almost twice the tonnage of greenhouse gases as the total amount of carbon dioxide reductions made since 2003, according to a study published recently in the journal Environmental Pollution.
Not to mention the fact that others around the globe are failing to curb their emissions, negating the point of all the steps demanded by the environmental activists that only served to destroy our economic future.

Please go and read Parker's post. He packs a lot of information into his post with excellent use of the hyperlink function. Indeed, the use of hyperlink was what attracted me to the internet in the first place. Rather than footnoting articles, one could connect directly to the article in question whether it be a new article or a scientific paper.

On a personal note, I was appalled to learn that the fires are now in Ventura County as well.  We lived in Camarillo for several years, while working at the Pacific Missile Test Center at Point Mugu, California.  Mrs PolyKahr was born and raised in Oceanside, California.

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