Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Not "Trust But Verify" But Instead "Verify Before Trusting"

 Many of my friends were excited yesterday at the inauguration of President Trump.  Now, I have to admit to voting for Trump not only because he did advance conservative causes during his first term, but because no sane person wanted Kamala as president.  But I have to also remain cautious about trusting the Trump administration to do the right things.  One of the things I think needs careful scrutiny is the reaction of the various "BIGs," business, tech, banks, pharmaceuticals, food etc.

At Townhall.com today, Seton Motley expresses my concerns in an article entitled please Don't Inaugurate Big Biz's Sudden Political Switch.

The Big Banks, Big Investment, Big Tech…ALL the Bigs? Are all of a sudden Donald Trump’s bestest buddies. And we’re supposed to pretend they didn’t spend the last decade doing EVERYTHING they could to ruin him.
Big Biz has for DECADES had a REALLY good thing going in DC. For the last half-century-plus, they’ve made tens of billions of dollars in political contributions. And received tens of trillions of dollars in government cronyism. It’s undoubtedly the greatest Return On Investment (ROI) in human history.
Trump again threatens to threaten all that. Well, Big Biz tried being his enemy last time. And it got them nowhere. But they now know even better Trump is keenly susceptible to flattery. So they’re now, SUDDENLY, trying to kill him with kindness.

These are the guys who sold us gay and lesbian products, who sold us transgender products, who are busy buying up Americans houses and then renting them back to us, who tried to sell us on eating bugs, and on and on. These are the guys who outsourced American jobs to our enemy China.  These are the men and women who tried to sell the idea that Bud Light buyers were interested in having a man dressed as a woman to advertise their product while insulting actual men.  These are the guys who gave us mRNA "vaccines" that didn't actually vaccinate anybody.

These people should not be trusted for one minute.

I hope that Trump sees these "BIGs" for what they are. I certainly think Trump's agenda items are what will make America stronger, and I certainly applaud Trump's newly expressed belief in God. What I think mostly is that we must remain eternally vigilant. We cannot, as conservatives and Christians just turn it over to someone who says the right things. As we have seen, even the Pope can be corrupt. Please read the whole article and remember to verify before you trust.

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