Vijay Jayaraj tells us at the American Thinker today that Your cappaccino is safe despite climate fearmongering. Of course, I was not worried since I know that climate alarmism is just one big scam designed to take money out of your and my pockets and put it into the pockets of globalist oligarchs. But let Jayaraj tell it:
An estimated 21 billion pounds of green coffee are produced annually across more than 25 million acres worldwide. U.S., Brazil, and Japan are the top coffee-consuming countries.
Though late to the caffeinated party, China is now driving global demand. In the 2023-2024 crop year, China’s consumption reached nearly six million 60-kilogram bags, while domestic production stood at less than two million bags. The balance was imported.
But will this global java joy be interrupted by production shortfalls caused by climate change? A simple Google search will yield thousands of news articles about how a warming world is killing Arabica and Robusta coffee beans.
You will notice that Mr. Jayaraj believes that the climate scam is real, or at least he believes it an be ignored because he says this:
Indian coffee traders say that the impact of climate change “is minimal for now.”
This was confirmed by India’s Commerce Ministry, which has allayed fears about weather disruptions and projects higher coffee output for 2024-25. The Indian Coffee Board has set a 10-year road map for doubling the country’s coffee production and exports.
He then points to improvements in farming practices as well as improvements in the coffee trees themselves. Wherever there is significant money to be made by growing a crop of something, there you will find scientists working to improve the plants that produce that crop. It has been a long time coming, but as more and more people are finding coffee enjoyable, there is more and more incentive to seek better farming methods and plant more productive coffee trees. This is always the way it works. Unlike deer, that can not adapt except by natural selection, people are able to use their ability to reason as a tool to improve their condition. The coffee farmer makes more money, and we get more coffee at a better price: a win-win.
He also notes that if temperatures do rise, the coffee growing regions will simply move to higher elevations and further from the equator. I personally think the coffee growing regions will be expanding putting more acreage under coffee production.
Even if temperatures do rise significantly, coffee production can be moved to cooler locales at higher altitudes and at latitudes farther from the equator. For instance, conducive to growing both Arabica and Robusta are Southern California and alternative regions in existing coffee-producing countries like Brazil and India.
In Colombia, researchers modeled “climate suitability and crop-yield for current and future climate scenarios” and included factors such as soil constraints, pest infestation and socio-economic elements. They found that the “foothills along the eastern Andean Mountain ranges, the high plains of the Orinoquía region and the wet parts of the Caribbean region” are highly favorable to growing coffee if average temperature were to increase.
In Ethiopia -- one of the world’s largest coffee producers -- climate change was found to increase the suitable growing area by as much as 44% by 2080.
Likewise, the plateaus in China’s Yunnan Province are expected to have acreage suitable for growing coffee increase significantly in scenarios assuming future warming.
None of this takes into account improved coffee hybrids that can increase yields by 30-60%. Researchers have now found that these varieties have greater resistance to climatic changes and to pests.
So there you have it from someone in the know. Our coffee fancy is safe. But I knew that all along. It is why Malthus and neomalthusians like Paul Ehrich are wrong.
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