Friday, January 17, 2025

We do live in interesting times

 J. B Shurk, at the American Thinker today has a very interesting piece entitled, appropriately enough, What an Interesting Time to Be Alive. In it, he writes about Western so called "democracies" that are supposed to be promoting the freedom, liberty, and opportunity of their people, but instead are censoring free speech and in some cases scuttling democratic elections. What he paints is a picture of governments offering "democracy" while behind the scenes controlling the outcomes to favor themselves.

At the same time, he notes that there seems to be a new revival of Christianity taking place among both old and new alike. Personally, I have been concerned about the neopaganism that seems to be flourishing in the United States. But of course there is little I can do about it. The Lord sends his Spirit out into the World, and finds those He wishes. We can only help by providing pastors to minister to those the Spirit brings in.

A lot of people are anxious these days. They are worried about nuclear war, mass government surveillance, artificial intelligence, lab-created disease, central bank digital currencies — you name it! I’m worried about those issues, too. However, there is a part of me that relishes the opportunities we have to shape the future. This is an interesting time to be alive.
This is not the age of tranquility. There have been epochs for which that description might be apt — when people were born and died without experiencing much change during the course of their lives. The technologies that existed never advanced. The universe of human knowledge never expanded. Time stood more or less still, as if humanity were stuck in amber.
We’re not stuck in anything. The technological revolutions from the late nineteenth century forward have remade the world time and again. We’ve gone from telegraphs to telephones to cellular phones to smartphones. Mass communication has evolved from printed newspapers to radio broadcasts to television news to internet chatrooms, email, and social media. In the last twenty years, individuals have seized control over the instruments of mass communication — becoming self-created news reporters, entertainers, influencers, and celebrities. In the last ten years, governments and their corporate allies have tried desperately to claw back control over the mass media monopoly they once had.

Part of the reason so many are anxious is because news stories are designed as click bait to bring eyes in for advertisers. Whole narratives are built on speculation about things that might be or could happen. But most of the things speculated about never do happen, and in the meantime, people have spent money on things that were not needed. One such hoax is the "climate change" narrative. Of course, the climate is always in a state of flux. It has been much warmer in times past, and somewhat cooler as well. I prefer warmer, myself. But the climate scam is designed to stampede people into asking for the governments of the World to "do something," and that something takes away your freedom and your liberty and tax you into poverty. You will, as they so aptly put it, own nothing. But they assure us you will be happy - or else.

The “greenies” rejected Jesus Christ but told us that we’re all going to die for our “fossil fuel” sins. The central bankers and globalist oligarchs joined this self-hating bandwagon because the “climate change” religion offered them a chance to maximize wealth and power. For years, they have elevated a line of “global warming” popes — Al Gore, Klaus Schwab, John Kerry — all claiming to have influence with planetary gods that might be willing to save us from Armageddon if we do exactly what the rich people vacationing in Davos, Switzerland say.
The World Economic Forum updates its globalist bible every year so that laypeople know what to believe and what to worship. The “climate change” clergy even promote young know-nothings such as Greta Thunberg, who play-acts as a modern, “truth”-telling “green” Jesus. Global “elites” love the “net zero” religion because they can make up new commandments as needed, condemn naysayers as selfish apostates, and rebrand totalitarianism as philanthropic virtue. “Global warming” pseudoscience allows the U.N., the WEF, and other religious denominations to tell everyone else how much to pay in taxes, how much freedom to give up, and how to behave.

And yet, Shurk sees a new Christian revival coming. From Shurk's pen to God's ear:

And yet there is substantial evidence that a very real Christian revival is gaining energy. Older people who have perhaps lost their way are picking up dusty Bibles to see just what truths lie within. Well known commentators — including Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, and Russell Brand — are doing something that few could have predicted even five years ago: they are publicly discussing the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Young people, too, are finding their way to Christ. What would have seemed quite unusual last decade is becoming almost commonplace: athletes, musicians, actors, and academics are bearing witness to Christ’s purposeful influence upon their lives. Even politicians who forgot Jesus’s name as they became worshipful converts to the “green” religion are slowly recovering from decades of amnesia and remembering the King of kings.

I don't listen to Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan or Russell Brand for theological wisdom, but I suppose lots of people do. They wouldn't be talking about such things publically unless it attracted audiences. So, I see Shurk's point. Even more, Shurk thinks we are winning, based on the old idea that when you are taking flak you know you are over the target.

Yet they are afraid. They are losing. We are winning. How do I know? Their absolute abandonment of even the pretense of supporting free speech is a dead giveaway. Western leaders are so fearful of losing power that they have become overtly pro-censorship.
Former European commissioner Thierry Breton openly brags that Europe and U.S.-NATO scuttled the recent Romanian election because voters chose the “wrong” leader. He promises that Eurocrats will do the same in Germany if German citizens vote “incorrectly” this year. How can a prominent European statesman defend such brazenly anti-democratic tyranny? He blames free speech. Voters, he alleges, are reading and listening to the wrong voices.
Breton’s authoritarianism echoes placeholder-president Joe Biden’s denunciation of Mark Zuckerberg’s “shameful” decision to purge left-wing “fact-checkers” from their years-long role as professional censors who monitor and delete public debate on Facebook and other Meta platforms. Biden called the move away from government-directed censorship “completely contrary to everything America is about.” The so-called “leader of the free world” and a man constitutionally duty-bound to defend the Bill of Rights thinks it’s “un-American” to protect the First Amendment.

We do indeed live in interesting times

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