Yesterday, we discussed how several gunmen broke into a gun store and stole firearms. These miscreants are prohibited from possessing firearms because they were convicted felons. But they acquired them anyway. No law would respected our right to keep and bear arms would have prevented them from acquiring guns. Today, we will discuss another way felons get guns: by having someone with a clean record buy them. This is known as "straw purchasing" and is also illegal. The story is at Bearing Arms and is entitled Burnsville Shooter's Girlfriend Pleads Guilty To Buy Killer's Gun.
A little less than a year ago, an armed felon opened fire on law enforcement, killing two officers and an EMT. He was a convicted felon who couldn't have a gun at all.
It was later learned that his girlfriend purchased the firearm for him.
Of course, while the killer was dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound and could be assumed guilty, she was still alive, which means her guilt needed to be established somehow.
Well, now it has as she's entered a guilty plea in court.
So, yet again we see another way that people that are prohibited from possessing guns by reason of being a convicted felon nevertheless acquire guns. Again, no law that would not infringe on our right to keep and bear arms could be written to prevent felons from getting guns in this way. As pointed out yesterday, even if all guns were magically to disappear from the United States jurisdiction tomorrow, smugglers could bring them in along with whatever other contraband items they smuggle. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle.
As a side note, I want to also point out that the Mainstream Media constantly harps on something called "gun violence" as if it is the guns that are killing and maiming people. But when it is a stabbing, they don't talk of "knife violence," or if a vehicle, they don't talk of "car violence." These terms of silly. Everyone knows that knives and cars are tools and can be used or misused at the will of the operator. Guns are no different. The MSM spokespeople should be called out for misuse of the English language.
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