Saturday, June 2, 2018

Gun Control: It Doesn't Work...Unless Your Goal is Tyranny. Then It Works Great

I have been too busy to post lately, but I am taking just a little time to post some gun control items that have come up lately.

The first item is an article by Eileen F. Toplansky at the American Thinker yesterday entitled Does gun Control Lead to Genocide? Ms. Toplansky's point is that while all gun control efforts have not led to genocides, all genocides have first been preceded by disarming the target society. She then spends a lot of electrons telling us about the genocides in the twentieth century alone. The number of such is appalling, not to mention the reasons for them.  As to the latter, let us just say that people are murdered industrially because a politician gets it into his head that he has the right to tell others how they should live their lives.  When people don't listen, these politicians tend to turn murderous to get their way.

Go read Toplanksy's article.  Most longtime readers of this blog will be familiar with most of the genocides that occurred in the twentieth century, but it is good to remind yourself of these facts as armor against the emotional arguments of the gun grabbers.

The next article comes from Alan Korwin's blog, The Uninvited Ombudsman and is entitled Background Checks--Just Like Red Flag Laws Korwin's point here is that Background Checks, so beloved of the gun grabbing left, have not stopped a single killer from getting a gun. Not one. Just as laws against illegal drugs do not stop people who want drugs from getting them, so people who want guns are going to get them. What background checks do is collect the names of innocent, law abiding people who have guns. Its a scam, pure and simple.

Of course the law says that dealers are to keep the books with the form 4473s private to keep the government from finding out (wink wink), but do you really believe that, given what we now know about government lawlessness?  If you do, I've got a bridge I can sell you real cheap.

So, where do so called "Red Flag" laws come in, because Korwin doesn't address these.  Red Flag laws give anti gun family members and acquaintances carte blanche to report people they disagree with to the police, who will obligingly come and take their guns without due process.  In some cases, gun owners may be notified later that they can petition the court for a hearing, but of course the damage has been done.  And good luck getting your property back.  Oh, and the penalty for lying to the court about the reasons for seeking the so called "protection" of a Red Flag law?  A small fine. Why, its practically Les Miserabe-esqu

If you live in a state where the news papers have published the names and addresses of concealed permit holders, you can go down the list, find out who lives in your neighborhood, and begin a Red Flag proceding against him in total secrecy, and lying about any face, including whether you actually know the person, brings just a slap on the wrist.  Gun grabbers should just love these new laws that violate the 4th and 5th Amendment rights of gun owners and provide a way for vindictive gun grabbers to "stick it to" gun owners who have done nothing wrong.  Meanwhile, the laws will not affect the truly guilty gang banger or psychotic killer.  Nobody will know these individuals have guns because they are not on anybody's list. 

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