Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Specter of Global Cooling Returns

So, the first article in decades I have seen now warning that Global Cooling is in the offing. This comes from the American Thinker so the emphasis is on the foolish attempt by greenies to halt the supposed Global Warming...er...Global Climate Change. Still, we have been through this before. Back on April 28, 1975, News Week published an article entitled The Cooling World. Of course, News Week has since recanted the story. After all, there can be no deviation from orthodox thought.

Of course, along with speculation that we may be entering a new ice age, comes the concern that millions of us will starve to death due to famine.  One doesn't want to make light of this, though, because famine has haunted the human race since the first man walked the earth.  While most of us could stand to miss a meal or two, the fact is that it would not take long to die of starvation in a true famine.  Viv Forbes has the goods on what happens if we let the greenies have their way in Are We Fostering Food or Famine. Forbes:
The fierce dog of famine is tethered outside the city gate. Our abundant supplies of reliable energy for the production, harvesting, transport, processing, storage and distribution of food have kept him at bay. But still he waits patiently for foolish politicians or dreadful weather to let him loose.
Just one decent regional blackout will empty supermarket shelves and create long queues at every service station; two frigid winters will see food prices soar; and a return of the Little Ice Age or worse will see starvation stalking the cities.
Greens are inviting famine, humanity’s ancient enemy, into our cities via the green door.
But go read the whole piece.

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