Sunday, June 24, 2018

I Hope Our Leftist Friends Know What They are Doing

Derek Hunter is pushing his new book, entitled Outrage Inc.. Note, I have not read it yet. Never the less, the subject of this weeks column seems to fit with the title of the book. This week's column is entitled Liberals Are Pushing the Country to the Edge. He wonders if, in fact, they are pushing the country out onto a ledge from which there is no return.
The ability to agree to disagree is dead, murdered by leftists who demand absolute adherence to their political will or they declare you an enemy of the people and seek to destroy you. As long suspected, those “coexist” stickers on their Priuses were for show, they should read “obey” because obedience, in absolute terms, is the only acceptable way to “coexist” with the liberal mob.
Make no mistake, this mob is not the majority, or even anywhere close to plurality, but history is littered with examples of small, committed and violent gangs of thugs obtaining power through a willingness to do anything to get it. That’s what Democrats are becoming – American Castros, Khmer Rouge, Gestapo, or whatever example you like. These are all different sides of the same “progressive” dice and liberals are gearing up to roll them.
When the leadership of the party does not condemn mob action against a Cabinet Secretary while she’s having a meal or is at home, disrupting her entire neighborhood, the next steps are only more dangerous. And when the media willingly lies to advance the mob to those next steps, how do you pump the brakes on this runaway train?
This is the question I have been asking for a while now. Civil discussion, and agreeing to disagree in some instances, or compromising on a middle ground has become impossible. They have taken the "by any means necessary" to the ultimate extreme. In the process, they have shown themselves to be without a moral compass, bereft of any class and indeed, unable to see their own hypocrisy, so lost in the darkness are they.

Go read Hunter's article, because despite the self promotion, he makes some excellent points. Oh, and watch your backs and deep the powder dry. As Kurt Schlichter pointed out, you may yet need that ammunition.

Meanwhile, also at, Kevin McCullough has a similarly themed article entitled Dear America, The Left Has Declared War on You. McCullough then goes on to write about the many ways the Left is attempting to overturn the Constitutional order and replace it with a totalitarian dictatorship. Again, go read the whole article.

At this point, you ask, or you should, why are these people so convinced that Marxism or some variant such as socialism, despite all evidence to the contrary, is better than the Constitutional order established?  People like Soros, for example, made their billions not be distributing the wealth to the poor, but by using capitalistic principles.  Indeed, Soros employs armies of lawyers to avoid paying taxes, which according to Joe Biden is our patriotic duty. What explains why people who ostensibly believe in Marxist theory none the less become wealthy, do not distribute their wealth as the theory says, and instead use their wealth to undermine America?

I think the answers can be found in early injustices either wreaked upon a close person or family  member, or else told to the person as a child so frequently that they came to believe they themselves were a victim of the injustice.  Just as most so called atheists actually believe in God, but hate him for the injustice of which they perceive he has done to them, so these people hate America for the injustices real and imagined it has supposedly done to them.  It is the only thing I can think of that explains the cognitive dissonance that these people live with every day.

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