Saturday, June 30, 2018

UK Under a Beer Shortage

There appears to be a beer shortage in England, and it is being blamed on a shortage of CO2, caused by the limiting of the manufacture of fertilizer form fossil fuels.  Oh, cry me a river will you.

Of course, this is a funny consequence, and it brings out the "smallest violins" from among those who understand the whole thing as a hoax, designed not to save the climate, which is doing fine, thank you, but to extract trillions of dollars out  of the wallets of working Americans.  As far as the hoax is concerned, Jack Hellner has the story over at the American Thinker today entitled Remember How Hot It Used To Get Before Global Warming?. You have to be an old fart to remember back then, but then, I am an old fart who grew up in Ohio, and I can remember. The climate has been changing since the earth was formed. It has been much hotter than now, and much colder than now. Both extremes are no good for mankind, but cold is far worse than warm. We can survive a warm environment better than a cold environment. Go read Mr. Hellner's article, as it is both informative and entertaining.

Meanwhile, I would note that the brewing industry does not have to depend on artificially produced CO2.  The yeast used to ferment the mash into beer produces CO2.  When I used to make my own beer, it was common to add a small amount of malt sugar to the now flat beer before siphoning the beer into the bottle and putting on the crown caps.  In a day you had a nice CO2 cap on the beer which prevented bacteria and oxygen from spoiling the beer.  It also made a nice head on the beer, and gave the beer a liveliness that soft drinks can never duplicate.  Brewers could return to this older technology.

Or they can whine about a beer shortage. 

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