Friday, August 13, 2021

Are the Supremes Cowards, Crooks, or Compromised?

 Andrew W. Coy at the American Thinker today asks is Supreme Court Cowards, Crooks, or Compromised?. I have asked that same question. The failure of the Supreme Court to evaluate for the American public whether or not the 2020 election was stolen is mind boggling.

Just now entering the debate is former military intelligence Captain Seth Keshel (ret.), whose findings may force the Supreme Court to grapple with questions about the election. Keshel’s earthshaking scientific data election report contends that President Trump probably won seven states that had been called for Biden (Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Minnesota). If Kassel’s numbers are correct, that gives Trump 321 electoral college votes, well above the 270 needed to win the White House. Maybe that will give the Supreme Court reason to get involved in the fraudulent and duplicitous election of our president. For now, though, the Supreme Court believes the election was “stolen, fair-and-square.”
The question is whether the justices are cowards, crooks, or compromised, for those three choices seem to be the only way to explain their resolute refusal to make any decisions regarding the Presidential Election of 2020. This constitutes a historic failure on their part, for the Court is refusing to be a co-equal branch of the federal government. Nor is the role Republicans as of them – reviewing the law connected to possible election fraud – new ground. With 2000’s Bush v. Gore, there is legal precedent for them to act.
The answer to the question about what drives their passivity is an important one. One can argue successfully that the January 6 “Stop The Steal” rally, which continued with a rowdy protest on Capitol Hill, resulted because of the justices’ lack of integrity and/or guts. Thanks to their blatant disassociation with being a coequal branch with the Presidency and Congress, the Court has lost enormous respect from half of America.
Note that Kessel's analysis is only the latest indication that something strange happened. When something happens once, it is a coincidence. When the same thing happens twice, one has to start wondering. When it happens three times, if your Spidey senses are not raising the hairs on the back of your neck, you are oblivious, or a Democrat operative. Such for instance is the event of having a number of states stop counting in the middle of the night at the same time. Then there are the Arizona election audits that indicate that 74,000 mail in ballots were counted than were actually mailed out! In Fulton County Georgia, it was proved that the voting machines could indeed be hacked and votes changed in real time over the internet. All this evidence and more was of no interest to our Supreme Court. Why the Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to keep it from coming out.  But it does indeed make you wonder, are the Supremes cowards, crooks, or compromised?

Please read the article, and you decide.

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