Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Our Garbage Elites

 I did not know about Gary Allen's book titled None Dare Call It Conspiracy. It was published in 1972. In 1972, I was a snot nosed 20 year old who thought I knew a thing or two. Boy was I wrong. Had I known about Allen's book, a lot of the questions I have had over the years would have been answered.

Today, at the American Thinker Janet Levy has an article entitled None Dare Call It Conspiracy that again explains the apparent contradictions in the nature of Communism. Once you see it, though, you can't unsee it.

What Allen claimed to have discovered was that a plutocracy of 3% of the population covertly controlled the lives of the rest. They had wrested control of the constitutional republic, with its separation of powers, limited government, and competitive free enterprise, and turned it into a system of centralized control by a few. How was this achieved? According to Allen, the conspiratorial clique was hidden and protected by a complicit media establishment they own and control. Also, they are accomplished liars and farseeing planners. Their subversive tour de force has been to advance the lies that a) communism is inevitable and b) communism is a movement of the downtrodden. The first lie aims to destroy the will to fight, the second to gain the support of the poor masses and justify the destruction of a vigorous, innovative middle class.
Allen offers an alternative, realistic definition of communism: an international conspiratorial drive for power on part of men in high places, who are willing to use any means for global conquest. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels said a proletarian revolution would necessitate a temporary socialist dictatorship, which would give way to full-on communism if three things were achieved: a) the elimination of private property rights, b) the dissolution of the family, and c) the replacement of religion with Marxist ideology. These, in fact, are exactly what academia and left-wing groups in America are pushing for, today and when Allen wrote the book.
But all that, as Allen claims, is an elaborate ruse. Behind it are the super-rich. We are blinded to this because we believe they stand to lose the most in a socialistic setup. Allen backs his counterintuitive conclusion with the fact that communist countries are in fact always ruled by an oligarchical group — the nomenklatura — that controls wealth, production, and the lives of the rest of the population. Thus, socialism is a movement to consolidate wealth in the hands of a few, creating not a classless society, but one with just two classes: an elite and a proletariat, with no middle class.

Right now we are rapidly becoming a Fascist state, if we haven't already become one. When the government asks corporations to treat the unvaccinated as unclean pariahs as a way to force people to get vaccinated, that is exactly how the Fascists acted. In Germany, it wasn't the unvaccinated, but the Jews. In Soviet Russia, it was the Kulaks. Every Communist/Fascist elite needs an enemy, and when they don't have one, they manufacture one. In this case, the pandemic has given them the excuse to demonize the unvaccinated. But understand that asking corporations to do what the government can, or will not, is Unconstitutional.  They are shredding the Constitution.

As proof of the truth of Allen's book he presents us with this:

According to Allen's research, the USSR was practically manufactured by the U.S. elite, who played a major role in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. He quotes W. Averell Harriman, who served as ambassador to the USSR from 1943 to 1945, as saying, "Stalin paid tribute to the assistance rendered by the United States to Soviet industry before and during the war. He said that about two-thirds of all the large industrial enterprises in the Soviet Union had been built with United States help or technical assistance." Allen explains how financiers in America and Britain created an enemy for the West. He divulges how Kuhn, Loeb & Co., an important financial house of New York then, even financed the First Five-Year Plan of the Soviet Union. Through these means, plutocrats gained a geographic homeland from which to launch assaults against other nations of the world.
This sounds a lot like what reportedly happen in Afganistan, where we were funding the Taliban to fight our own military. Of course, the only reason is that they can enrich themselves with war contracts at taxpayer expense.

As noted before: As always, only the well-armed rabble are left to hold the line.

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