Thursday, August 19, 2021

Society Doesn't Demand Honor From Its Leaders

 Andrea Widburg has a post today that is...well...shocking.  The post, entitled Shock video: Lara Logan confirms what we feared about Afganistan. Go watch Lara Logan embedded in the post by Widburg. "What the Afgans will tell you is the United States wanted this outcome."

The Japanese during the Samurai period had a punishment for Samurai who had screwed up as much as some of our have. They had to commit Seppuku, a form of ritual suicide by disembowelment. Yeah, a very painful death, so to prevent the person committing seppuku a Second stood by to quickly lop off the person's head once the act was completed. Now, I don't want anyone to actually commit seppuku, or indeed to actually commit suicide. But, one thinks that people like Sec Def Austin, and General Milley should resign in disgrace. Perhaps some heads of some of our "intelligence" agencies should resign in disgrace also.

Indeed, now that I think about it, maybe restoring the old system of resigning in disgrace when one who has been given great responsibility and the honor that goes with it disgraces himself. Someone like Anthony Fauci should, for example, resign in disgrace for getting pretty much everything wrong. Cuomo's resignation should have been more humble, and clueless Bill DeBlasio...just yuck...he should resign on general principle. The problem is that society does not demand of its leaders that they have honor. Maybe we should?

Update: I just listened to the entire Tucker Carlson Today episode with Lara Logan and it gets even more shocking. Lara Logan has the ring of truth here, and claims that the United States was funding both sides of the conflict in Afghanistan. This is worse than dishonor, although it is dishonorable. That the American people have been lied to for the last 20 years, that the NSA knows and has known in real time exactly what is going on there, is simply shocking. That I am shocked...well shame on me for my naivete.

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