Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Joy Pullman Excoriates Republican Politicians For Cowardice

 Joy Pullman over at The Federalist calls out Republican politicians, and it is long past time. The article is entitled Vaccine And Mask Coercion Is A Purge Of Republican Voters And Republican (Politicians) Are Letting It Happen. She has some pretty harsh words for Republican Politicians who stand idly by while people are brow beaten, and threatened with loss of freedoms and even employment for refusing the vaccine and masks.

After laying out the various false narratives that have been over hyped by the government and the media, which seems to be on a tear to create as much fear as possible, she goes on to explain how these false narratives are being used to purge Republican voters.

That brings us to the COVID protocols as purge. I live in Indiana, where both legislative houses and our governorship are controlled by Republicans — not that they’ve protected my family’s freedoms or quality of life in the last year. Throughout this state that voted 57 percent for Donald Trump in 2020, where people largely don’t believe the lying corporate narrative wildly overhyping COVID, children are still being forced to mask and cycle through rounds of Zoom school to access the public funds set aside for their education.
Businesses are pressuring workers to take the novel therapies regardless of whether the workers are at significant risk from a case of COVID. In-state universities are forcing faculty and students into novel COVID injections, with no response from the state legislature. Our state attorney general even issued an opinion supporting universities forcing low-risk young adults into these novel COVID prophylactics.
This spring, constituents pestered our legislature to protect us from this kind of medical coercion, and to ban public and private vaccine passports. State Republican leaders punted, then adjourned until next spring.
Now their voters are being threatened with loss of their livelihoods and the state-sponsored abuse of their children this fall if they don’t consent to unnecessary medical treatments or evidence-free “virus mitigation” procedures that dehumanize interactions, delay children’s development, and destroy the joy of living. People who rightly judge that their college-age children are at low risk for COVID and therefore don’t need experimental injections face the prospect of cutting their kids off from access to higher education as punishment for this reasonable risk assessment.
A friend who is a maintenance worker received a “mandatory” survey from his employer asking for his “vaccine status” — which is private health information protected by HIPPA. (Imagine if an employer sent around a survey asking people to list their BMI or whether they use contraception!) Merely receiving the survey is coercion — any decent man who loves his children is now put on notice that his ability to take care of them may hinge on his compliance with totalitarian demands. This man has voted Republican all his life and moved from a blue state to a red state specifically to protect his family.
What are Republicans doing to defend his ability to freely provide for his family? Jack nothing. Do everything the Biden administration says about COVID, or unemployment bread lines for you.
You should read the entire article. You don't see that much criticism of Republican politicians, but really, we need more people to stand up and be counted. We need more Ron DeSantises to tell the Left "No." What we don't need more of are people like Senator Burr and Senator Tillis to stab Republican voters in the back by voting with the Dems and giving them cover. The Left may be going to do what the Left does, but Republicans don't need to help.

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