Friday, August 20, 2021

The Problem With Forced Masking

 Kaylee Zemple writes that she Won't Wear A Mask In I County Where No One Is Dying Of Covid. Miss Zemple lives in a blessed community where no one is dying of the disease. Where I live, there are several people dying, but not nearly as many as the scare prom media would have you believe. Once again they are using cases as the indicator of why we should be scared. But really, scaring people only works for so long, and they have done it for too long. Eventually, people get tired of being scared and accept the risks.

The blow might have been softened and resulting ire lessened if there were any reason to believe this action was going to save lives in the county that’s home to Wisconsin’s capital city of Madison. But it’s hard to improve a daily death average of zero.
That inescapable reality — that almost nobody is dying of the Wuhan virus in one of the most vaccinated counties in the country, yet breathing uninhibited is verboten — is the premier form of gaslighting from the ruling class of power-drunk elites.
Life is a game of tradeoffs, and there may be some formula of factors that makes the above trade-offs worth it. But what is Dane County trying to prevent? Whom is it trying to protect?
Got that? To be alive is to take risks. In California, everyone goes about their daily lives with the risk of a Richter 8 earthquake. In Oklahoma, it's tornados. Here in North Carolina we live with the risk of hurricanes. And of course most everyone lives with the risk of one of the annual 24,000 accidental traffic accidents. The risk from the Wuhan Flu is far less that these others, yet we must do the absurd in an attempt to mitigate the risk.

But, it is more than doing the absurd. It is a betrayal of what every thinking person knows to be true, that masks do not work to stop the virus.

What on Earth are logical residents to do when the anti-science authoritarians in power refuse to relent with disruptive rules? What are they to do when there’s no end in sight and to obey is to betray what they know to be rational and true?
The exasperation runs deep because a healthy person wearing a mask among healthy people is way more than an inconvenience. To obey the absurd mask rules is to play into the delusions and games of the sadistic ruling class. Wearing a mask to “save lives” even though nobody is dying is on caliber with calling a man “she” because he playacts as a woman. It feels wrong because it is.
The things we say or don’t say, wear or don’t wear, and do or don’t do are based on more than religious conviction. They’re based on a fundamental worldview of whether we’re committed to living within the bounds of reality. We shouldn’t govern ourselves based on what our neighbor thinks of us. We should live according to what is good and right and true based on evidence and truth, and we make trade-offs.
See, that is what adults do. At some point, in the back of everyone's mind is the notion that we will not get out of this life alive. Either you choose to live life and take a certain amount of risks, still take risks. Now, I am not saying here that you shouldn't wear a mask. By all means, if it makes you feel more comfortable, be my guest. Just don't expect everyone else to make the same choices you do. And expecially don't force everyone to make the same choices.

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