Thursday, August 5, 2021

The Left Doesn't Understand Rights

Kurt Schlichter has an excellent post today explaining exactly what a "right" is, and what it means.  In Liberals Hat That You Have Rights.

The bizarre contortions that the libs are going through to blame you for the virus because you selfishly refused to submit to their fussy commands illustrates, for the umpteenth time, an undeniable fact about these fascist-curious creeps. They hate hate hate the idea of rights, particularly yours. In fact, when they refer to rights, they often insist on encasing the word in quotation marks, as if it was some bizarre and alien concept those Jesus-gun-truck-cisnormative people from Iowabamaho invented under the influence of moonshine and the Holy Spirit.
Rights, they realize, are an intolerable obstacle to the things they want to do – especially when it’s inferiors like yourself asserting said rights. In this case, what they want to do is inject you, regardless of your choice, with a medicine that works intermittently but they want to inject you with it because it is not preventing the virus and therefore they need to prevent the virus and my head hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts. And they also want to wrap your face in a towel because that is the only thing that can protect them, despite the fact their faces are wrapped in towels already and that should protect them, and now my head really hurts.
Rights are behaviors that you as an individual can choose to exercise, or not. However, you can not demand that another exercise your rights on your behalf. Thus, you have a right to keep and bear arms, but you must exercise this right by purchasing arms and ammunition yourself, pay for training and practice with these arms. You can not expect the government to provide you with arms. Thus, while you may have a right to health care, the flaw in Obamacare is that the government is forced to subsidize your health care. Contrary to how it was advertised, Obamacare is not a right.

Rights also can not be taken away either by legislation, or by executive fiat. Whatever you may think of someones exercise of rights, these rights were secured a long time ago, by God, if you believe in God, or by Nature if that floats your boat, but no one has the right to now decide that certain rights are not to be exercised. Thus taking down certain websites or cancelling certain people on social media is not a thing. It may seem as if haaving to hear or read something you disagree with is a horrible imposition. But who said you have to read it or listen to it. You have the freedom to not listen to it, right? So exercise that right yourself, and don't put it on others to do it for you.

...The fact is that the left considers rights an intolerable obstacle to getting what it wants done. And of course, that is the whole point of rights. Rights limit what they can do. That’s why they only talk about exceptions to our rights.
Rights are unreasonable by design because you can’t “reason” them away – and, of course, it was God who designed them. We were endowed with them by our Creator. Libs hate hate hate that too - they want to be the ones who grant rights, because this leads to them being able to ungrant them at will.
I urge gentle readers to go and read the whole article. It is important to understand exactly what a right is, and Schlichter makes a good start on rights. But truly there are more rights that are not specifically mentioned. Just remember that when the Left starts talking about rights, hang on to your wallet. They really want to either limit your exercise of a right, or somehow make it incumbent on the taxpayers to pay for it.

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