Thursday, February 24, 2022

Christian Dissidence

Please watch the video at the website Withdraw Consent. The video is roughly 18 minutes long, not that long. But it makes several good points. The man speaking is Doug Wilson. Looking up a whois Doug wilson, he is a conservative Christian pastor in Moscow, Idaho.

The first is that the insanity we are seeing, transgenderism, and all the rest, are obviously untrue. And the people making the claims don't believe in these things either. Rather, the point is to get YOU to make the claim even though you know it is a lie. If they can get you to lie, knowing that you lie, they control you. And control is really what all the insanity is about. As a Christian, you can not, you must not, give in to the lie. And it is not compassion as they claim, but it is shear cowardice. Don't do it.

The second is that the notion of "secularism" turns out to be a hollow shell. I must confess to falling into the secular trap. Wilson makes the point that when we are told that we are trying to impose our morality on the other side, here speaking about the abortion fight, our response should be "Yes, we are, and so? After all, you want to impose your morality on the child. We think God's ideas are better than yours."

Wilson offers Christians who are wondering where to turn next some ideas on things to do. And of course you should pray.

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