Monday, February 7, 2022

We must become intolerant of the Left's Bull Schiff

Kurt Schlichter, at tells us that conservatives have been entirely too tolerant, of Leftist male bovine excrament. He says Conservatives Must Stop Tolerating Commie Nonsense.

What got us here, to this sad and sorry state, is that we were polite for too long. In a misguided sense of misplaced kindness we failed to call it as we saw it. Stupid people, deluded people, and/or malicious people all confronted us with their stupid, deluded and/or malicious nonsense, and instead of telling them to cut the Schiff, we smiled and tolerated it. Now we got dudes setting records in women’s sports, roving bands of mouth thong vigilantes pestering those of us who exercise facial freedom, and communists who have decided that racism is cool as long as it’s useful to their agenda. We should have told them “No” the first time they opened their yaps.
We need to be intolerant of stupidity, intolerant of delusions, and intolerant of those who want to change our country into a giant college run by the kind of people you avoided when you walked across campus.
When the first dude approached us and announced that he was now Gladys, our society defaulted to kindness. Someone who is suffering gender dysphoria does not need to have more pain heaped upon him or her, and we had no desire as a society to compound that pain. But tolerating this confusion was not enough. The demand became to celebrate it and to pretend it was real. But it’s not real. A man can never menstruate or give birth or ask for directions. A woman cannot be a father or (generally) carry 120 pounds of weapons and gear or fully appreciate The Dirty Dozen. These are facts, these are written, these are science, damnit. And we believe in science.<
Understand that when you tolerate a lie, pretend it is real, you not only encourage the deluded person in his delution, but you yourself become demoralized, quite literally. You lose your moral bearings and moral authority. Unfortunately, that is exactly what the Left wants. They want it because it sows chaos and confusion. We can not let that continue. We need to start calling a spade, a spade. Schlichter is right on this.

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