Sunday, February 6, 2022

Holding Our Scavenger Class Accountable

 Joel Duffie at the American Thinker has an article explaining that Americas crime spike goes much deeper than policing or the lack of it. I have said it is a spiritual problem, and Duffie identifies that it is a abandonment of morality. He is correct. He notes that when our so called "elites," who should be called scavengers, do not obey the very laws they make, how can they expect the ordinary person to obey them?

We work 40 or more hours a week just to have our paychecks snatched by the government for taxes. Sometimes we rob Peter to pay Paul just to keep the electricity on and then, when we turn on the television, we hear Nancy Pelosi claim that “we’re a nation of laws” right after she made a fortune in Tesla stock. Come on, man!
Crime is spiking because the American people are becoming as morally bankrupt as the politicians in our government. Harsher sentences won’t help stop crime because the jails and prisons are already packed full. More police won’t solve anything for the same reason.
If you want to fix the problem with crime, you need to start by clearing out the swamp in Washington. Our leaders need to be held accountable like everyone else. Nobody is supposed to be above the law here but you could have fooled me.

I suspect that this won't be solved anytime soon. The Roman empire was hopelessly corrupt. Italy is still hopelessly corrupt. So, at the same time that our scavenger class wants to exempt themselves from laws they created, and issue mandates that from which they exempt themselves, they want to take away Americas guns. Civis Americanus has an article at the American Thinker entitled The Perfect Label to Destry Gun Grabbing Democrats' Credibility.

It is a basic principle of psychological warfare and propaganda that the assignment of a name that sticks to somebody or something can make or break that person or entity. A fictional example from the Game of Thrones series exemplifies this. If you're a slave in Meereen, and somebody called the "Mother of Dragons" and "Breaker of Chains" is outside your masters' walls with an army, you'll probably pick up anything you can use as a weapon to join a slave revolt. If we look at a real historical example, serfs who had previously been willing to do almost anything to avoid service in the Russian Army, including knocking out their front teeth so they could not bite open musket cartridges, were eager to follow Aleksandr V. Suvorov, also known as "The Russian Hannibal." He took good care of his soldiers and tended to win lopsided victories with minimal losses to his own side.
So what does Civis Americanus think is a better than gun grabbers?
Call Them Firearm Quacks or Anti-Gun Quacks
"Dangerous quack" is not an overstatement. The houseplant in chief has dispensed advice that could easily, if acted upon, turn you into either (1) a convicted felon or (2) a corpse. "Joe Biden's Shotgun Advice Could Land Jill Biden in Jail" states that "[f]elony aggravated menacing, reckless endangering charges could result from shooting gun in air." This is under the laws of Delaware, Biden is (presumably still) licensed to practice law. Missouri attorneys Mark and Patricia McCloskey, meanwhile, pleaded guilty to charges for merely displaying firearms, as opposed to actually firing them, to warn protesters off their property.
Biden's quackery is not limited, however, to recommending the unlawful and reckless discharge of firearms, a practice discouraged by all responsible Second Amendment–supporters and NRA members. He also said, "Instead of standing there and teaching a cop, when there's an unarmed person coming at them with a knife or something, you shoot them in the leg instead of in the heart is a very different thing."
Welcome to reality, Joe. Here is a video of a female police officer who empties her sidearm into the center of mass (not the leg) of an "unarmed" subject who attacks her with a knife and almost succeeds in killing her despite sustaining multiple hits. He managed, in fact, to apparently reach her weapon and jam it momentarily, because the bodycam video shows her clearing it so she can continue to fire. Had she followed the houseplant in chief's quack advice by shooting to wound, it would have probably been "end of watch" for her.
Our Dangerous Quack in Chief keeps insisting that no right is absolute. That is true but doesn't allow any infringement that he wants at the moment. The wording of the Second Amendment is just about as absolute as it gets. That means that the government may regulate guns, but not infringe on anyone's right to keep and bear them. Naturally, as David Codrea has often said, "Anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian." That means that some people should be in prison...for life. On the other hand, our scavenger class has over criminalized life for the rest of us.  By creating crimes where there is none, the scavengers have created a situation in which at any time they can target a someone they don't like.  It is a terrible use of the law.

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