Saturday, February 19, 2022

Serpents do bite

 Today we have two related posts.  The first from the American Thinker by Jeff M. Lewis is entitled You Will Know Them by Their Fruits. The title is a reference to the Gospels when Christ warns the Apostles, and us, that there will be false prophets. These false prophets would lead the people away from the true Church. They would be wolves in sheep's clothing. Today, we can see that our scavenger elite at all levels are in fact attempting to impose an anti-Christian regime on everyone. They want to rule us and will brook no dissent. Just look at what Justin Trudeau is doing in Canada to the Freedom truckers and to anyone who helped the truckers in any way.

Their tactics are so repetitive and predictable it is pathetic. When citizens wear the wrong color ball cap or peacefully assemble to demand a redress of grievances before the government or demonstrate against a leftist cause or policy, one can be sure they have an effective, even devastating argument when the response from the left is “racist!” or “fascist!” or any other “-ist!” The adherents to leftist ideologies detest that they must debate and win their arguments in the arena of ideas so, instead, they use every dirty trick they can think of.
There is no longer any doubt: Leftists intend to govern by force, against the will of the people if need be and, according to leftists, we had better get accustomed to it.

Second is an article by Laura Hollis at entitled Reclaiming Our Coutry and Our Individual Agency in which sy notes that:

Americans are basically good and decent people who tend to assume the best of others -- especially those in positions of leadership or trust. But millions of us realize now that that decency has been exploited. Those we have trusted have betrayed our trust; they have lied repeatedly; they are using their power for destructive ends. They are hobbling the economy, flooding the country with millions of unvetted migrants and crippling it with debt, and undermining the rule of law.
Human beings are flawed, so there will always be liars, thieves, grifters, opportunists, greedy business owners and corrupt politicians. When betrayal of the public's trust is the exception, it may still draw ire, but it will not threaten the integrity of the system itself. However, when we are bombarded, daily, with proof that those with prominent societal roles do not deserve them, and in fact are using them to wreak havoc, it can become overwhelming. What are average citizens to do?
The answer is both bad news and good news.
To the contrary, the proof of how terribly naive we have been is everywhere. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the government's lust for power and willingness to use that power oppressively, not to mention the hypocrisy of elected officials and other wealthy and powerful people who have demanded masks and lockdowns while blithely ignoring the same restrictions they impose on their fellow citizens. A year-plus of online learning has exposed the seamy underbelly of some of our school systems, including policies that protect sexual predators, insert sexually explicit materials in curricula and in school libraries, promote communism and collectivism, racial hatred and division under the guise of "critical race theory," "systemic racism" and "white supremacy," encourage sexual experimentation and gender confusion in schoolchildren -- and deliberately exclude parents from knowledge of any of this. Instead of promoting the free exchange of ideas and questions, our social media companies now act as de facto censors for the government (as long as it is run by Democrats). City councils and state legislatures are passing laws and ordinances that permit homelessness, open drug use and theft. Law-abiding citizens and property and business owners are held hostage by governments that extract outrageous levels of taxes but refuse to provide basic police protections. Violent criminals are released without bail or on absurdly low bonds, not only in major metropolitan areas like New York City and San Francisco but even more bucolic areas like Waukesha, Wisconsin, where Darrell Brooks, a serial violent criminal, plowed into a Christmas parade last November, killing 6 people and injuring 60. Brooks had been released on a paltry $1,000 bond just days before, for running the mother of his child over with a car.
As Christ said to his deciples, we must be wise as serpents and as gentle as doves. But we must remember, always, that we are in the right, and after all, serpents bite.

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