Thursday, February 17, 2022

Using Lawfare Against the Left

 In an interesting piece on PJ Media Athena Thorne tells us The Remington Settlement Was Awful. Let's Do the Same Thing. By now most of you have heard the news that the Remington settlement with the families of the Sandy Hook masacre was settled for the plaintiffs. This settlement wouldn't have happened to any other lawful industry (and apparently to unlawful ones like drug cartels either. Notice, no one is suing drug cartels.) And it happened despite a federal law, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.

Now, the Left is constantly looking for ways to get rid of, or at least nullify, the Second Amendment. The Left always seeks to rule over you and me, and realizes that they can only go so far if we have guns. Well, as it turns out, there are a few things the Left loves that we, the normal people, would like to get rid of too. That is where Thorne says "Let's Do the Same Thing."

Many of us on the Right have been saying that it’s time we started playing by the Left’s rules, since they’re the ones making the rules these days. The Remington case shows us the way forward in some important battles.
A great place to start would be holding Big Publishing accountable for pushing sexuality and LGBTQ grooming onto children.
It’s easy to show damages. Regarding LGBTQ youth, it’s long been established that young people with gender identity issues commit or attempt to commit suicide at a shockingly higher rate than children who haven’t been coached to deny basic reality. Sadly, it wouldn’t be hard to find young people or their families who have been harmed by having inappropriate ideology pushed on them as minors.
You can read the rest of what Thorne has in mind. Our problem, one the Left doesn't have, is shopping for a sympathetic court. Clearly though, Trump has helped in that regard by putting so many federal judges through the Senate. Could, say, a group of taxpayers have standing to sue their Secretary of State over election integrity? It would be interesting to find out. Sovereign immunity is another thing that is not absolute. You, gentle readers, can no doubt think of other uses. The Left will not like the new rules, but since they put them in place, let them howl.

As Conan the Barbarian says: "What is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women."  Oh, yes, ain't the Left's new rules grand?

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