Monday, December 5, 2022

Does Apple Work for America or Communist China

 ICYMI, the Chinese people have been protesting nationally mandated lockdowns.  The Chinese Communist Party has been brutally shutting down these protestors, and Apple has been helping the CCP.  Sultan Knish, aka Daniel Greefield has an article entitled Apple Crushes Dissent in America and China.

The largest lockdown uprising in China took place at facilities run by Apple’s Foxconn supplier where workers had previously jumped to their deaths. After thousands fled the Apple gulag, making their way through the woods and rural areas to freedom, other employees battled with Communist authorities over abusive conditions and treatment in the iGulag.
Apple had nothing to say about the rights of those workers who thought differently enough to break free and fight back. If they were foolish enough to have iPhones, there’s little doubt the company would have eagerly helped authorities track them down to be imprisoned or killed.
“Think Different”, Apple’s slogan, actually means collaborating with a Communist dictatorship where thinking differently is a crime. And it also means suppressing free speech in America.

Clearly the corporation Apple, and Tim Cook in particular cares. not one whit about the principles of Communism, such as they are, or they would be operating as a nonprofit, and distributing their profits to the poor. Or as Marx put it, from those according to their ability to those according to their need. What they obviously care about is making as much money as possible and acquiring as much power as possible. Such is the case with all people who claim Marxist principles. The spout such prinicples in hopes of convincing enough people to follow them. They continue to lie, cheat and steal to keep their power.

Please read the whole article, if you can without retching. Remember that this is an "American" company in the same sense that Mitt Romney is a "Republican." Does Apple work for America or Communist China? For that matter, does the CIA work for us or Communist China? The FBI, the IRS? Does our government itself work for American, or for Communist China? Just askin'.

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