Sunday, December 18, 2022

The Church of Satan

Bruce Deitrick Price asks, at American Thinker today Why Are Communist Determined to Destroy the US? I will get into Price's great history of Marxist behaviour which has required a great deal of research to tease out. But while history does answer the question indirectly, let me put it more explicitly. The Communists need to destroy the United States because while it stands, it stands as a rebuke to to the Communists. Marxism is a radically materialist philosophy. So, in order for it to work as a advertised, they must out produce the United States. But as over 100 years have shown, no Communist society has actually succeeded in doing that. For true believers, it must be frustrating, and Communist theorists, rather than admitting that they were wrong, have sought to blame anything but their own sad theories.

One of the books I am currently reading is The Devil and Bella Dodd by Paul Kengor and Mary Nicholas. The book brings to light the personal history of one person who became a Communist true believer, and worked for the American Communist party, before repenting, and seeking the Catholic faith of her childhood. But what we see is that Communism is a religion even if it is a materialist religion. It is a religion that hates God and his Son, Jesus Christ. Rather than being atheist, Communists want more than anything to destroy Christ's Church.

One of the most insideous ways the Communists have broken societies is by creating a sexual revolution.  The current sexual distortion, such as the LGBTad nauseum movement has a long history.  Everywhere Communists go, they attempt to introduce these things.

Education, as we'll see, is the first refuge of scoundrels. Do you imagine that this school board is hip and cutting-edge? In fact, liberals have had few new ideas in more than a century. During World War 1, the communist government of Hungary "imposed a system of pornographic sex education on Hungarian school pupils." Ever since, communists have tried the same pervy tricks again and again.
During World War 1, the deputy people's commissar for culture and education was an extreme Marxist named György Lukács, then considered the most brilliant communist since Marx himself. He advocated promiscuity, denounced the family, and encouraged children to mock their parents and religion. The question Lukács posed was, "Who will save us from Western civilization?"
Marxist theory circa 1900 said that if Europe ever erupted in war, the working classes in every European country would rise in revoltand create a new communist Europe. Instead, the workers in every country lined up by the millions to fight their country's enemies.

You see the problem? Marxism predicts that the workers in the then new industrial revolution would rise up agaist their "oppressors." But several things happened. First, governments passed laws that forced the so called capitalists to recognize and acknowledge workers rights. In other words, workers could not be treated as a new form of serf. Workers began demanding better compensation and working conditions, which tended to short circuit the revolutionary instinct. Then there was the lack of a uniting leadership, chain of command, money, weapons, strategy, indeed all the usual things one would need for a successful revolution.

Always remember that Marx had predicted inevitable communist revolution caused by economic factors. Now it turns out that, as a first step, the revolutionaries have to dismantle the entire Christian revolution. Bottom line, this new Marxism had little resemblance to the older Marxism except a hatred for everything that disagreed with them.

And there is the other half. They are determined to destroy the Church by (you've probably heard this before) any means necessary. In their quest, they will destroy the nuclear family, the unit of any successful means of governing. They mean to break appart our society because they have not been successful persuing their own materialist ideas.

I don't think I am spoiling the plot for gentle readers if I tell you that Kengor and Nicholas, in their book The Devil and Bella Dodd that Communists groom their members, that they carefully prevent them from reading any conflicting information that might diagree with the narrative. They especially do not want their members reading a Bible. Perhaps that explains the affinity between Communists and Muslims. Communists don't call their religion the church of Satan, but that is what it is; that is who they worship.

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