Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Profound Depravity of the Left

 Mark Lewis, at Townhall.com has a article today entitled The Twitter Documents and Marxist Morality, that ties in nicely with the previous post (below). People tend to think of Marxist philosophy as relatively modern. But in fact, it is the second oldest philosophy on the planet. First was God, and everything was good. Then Lucifer tempted mankind in the form of a snake, and ever since people have know both good and evil. Due to this original sin, we each must work hard every day to do the right thing, with God's help. Too often, we do not.

But I digress. Back to the article:

Elon Musk is releasing many records from Twitter which have the potential to be very damaging to the Democratic Party (Republicans to the rescue?). The news is everywhere so I won’t reiterate the details. One question I have is, is anybody surprised?
No conservative is, of course. Many, many people are convinced that the Democratic Party stole the election of 2020 from Donald Trump through various voting fraud methods, and now the information is being disclosed that they pressured at least Twitter to suppress news, right before that election, which could have been harmful to Joe Biden. Again, I ask, is anybody surprised that they did that? I doubt even honest liberals, if such exist, are shocked by these revelations. The constant refrain that the 2020 election was “the most secure in history” was suspicious enough. Now, the evidence is truly coming forth that the Democrats illegally tried to manipulate the election in their favor. Such actions are completely in harmony with their philosophical and moral system.
Leftist morality is ever-changing to meet whatever circumstance is required. The Left’s history is longer, wider, and deeper than Marxist thought, but Marxism is certainly at the core of many modern liberal ideas. Regarding history and morality, Friedrich Engels wrote, “Each stage (in the Marxist historical “process”) is necessary and therefore justified for the time and conditions to which it owes its origins…for it (dialectic, i.e., Marxist, philosophy), nothing is final, absolute, sacred.” Historical justification—in other words, whatever is necessary, at a given point in time, to push “history” forward towards socialism—is the ONLY morality, the supreme ethical principle of the Left. There are no “final” solutions or eternal truths. Even slavery and incest were, to Marx and Engels, historically justified, within their historical circumstances. It’s all a “process” moving history “progressively forward” (see Thomas Sowell’s “Marxism” for a solid analysis).
The American Left is screaming at Elon Musk, but they are lying, and they know they are lying. But, to them, that’s justified. Anything is justified if it serves the cause and advances whatever agenda they want advanced. That’s “progressive,” a word they have co-opted (like “gay”) to manipulate Americans’ thinking. Again, the history of the communist parties of the Soviet Union and China, et al, are exemplary. They lie. They cheat. They steal. They murder. It’s all there in the history books. And the American Left is, philosophically, from its historical roots, no different from any other leftist on earth. For example, they have convinced the majority of the American people that it is acceptable to abort unborn children. But, they haven’t been able (yet) to get the one-party state they need to enact a “final solution” to their political opposition, as Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc. did. But Biden has been able to use big tech, the FBI, and the DOJ to silence, intimidate, harass, and even arrest many of his “enemies.” If the Left ever gets total power in America, expect the same consequences that have terrorized other Leftist totalitarian countries around the world. The Left kills people. Why not? There is no absolute morality as Marx, their patron saint, said.
Leftists will ever be among us, because Lucifer is always attempting to turn as many souls as possible to his own "Utopia," literally a hell hole. We must pray that God will intervene to put a limit on Satan's power for the good people here.

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