Thursday, September 7, 2023

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Should Be the Name of a Convenience Store, Not A Government Agency

 It has been said that Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms ought to be the name of a convenience store, not a government agency.  Indeed, I have always wondered why alcohol and tobacco, two substances taxed as "sin taxes" are lumped in with firearms, a Constitutionally protected civil right.  It says something about our kleptocratic ruling class, that they foisted this monstrosity on us, because the ATF has always been, as far as I have been alive, anti-gun. But the only thing the ATF should be doing is enforcing federal law, not making up novel ways to confiscate guns.

Today, at the American Thinker, D. Parker has a piece on yet another unconstitutional abomination entitled A 'gun registry' is leftist code speak for government control of personal property. The ATF is assiduously striving at every turn to pick off legitament gun dealers on the one hand, and when those dealers go out of business, take their bound books and build a registry of gun owners. On the other hand, they are also trying, through 'universal background checks' to get their hands on any transfers between gun owners. Of course, this is the reason why in some states, they want to know who purchased what ammunition, since why would you purchase ammunition unless you had a weapon from which to shoot it?

Sometimes you almost have to admire (not really, but work with us here) how the fascist far left has turned the gutter-level immorality of outright dishonesty into an art form with many facets and subtleties. After all, this is a survival mechanism for them, because no one in his right mind would support people who care only about controlling others. Like how the chameleon can change colors or the skunk sprays a noxious substance when threatened, leftists lie because that's the only way they can survive in the face of people who want to be free.
Like master artists who can work in oils, watercolors, or pencil, leftists work in many different kinds of lies and propaganda. Everything from straw man arguments to repetitive lies is carefully crafted and deployed with finely honed instincts. But their first love in lies always has been, and always will be, accusing others of what they are doing at the moment, better known as projection.
This is their favorite form because it forever confuses everyone and constantly knocks their opponents back on their heels. Most if not all the time, they never have proof of their charges, but that's not the point. They do that so the pro-freedom side is always on the defensive with these ridiculous indictments.
So have you ever heard them accuse the pro-freedom side of wanting to confiscate guns?
Anti-liberty leftists are careful in never projecting this particular little lie. Now, why is that? Could it be that if they tried this projection, it would be obvious that this is an outright lie, as in just about everything else they say?
Because it should be clear that they obsess day and night over confiscating our guns. Recent history has shown that they are working constantly to dream up new schemes to identify gun owners.

Remember, gentle readers, that these people are paid rather handsomely to dream up these new ideas for confiscation, unencumbered by the Constitution or any law passed by any legislature, while those working to stop them are for the most part working stiffs who have other jobs and responsibilities, and are paying both the ATF's salaries and volunteer groups to stop them. The ATF schemes are coming at us faster than we can counter them. And volunteer funded groups such as the Second Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America can't sue everyone who is attempting to confiscate guns.

If it is not clear yet, let me make it clear now: anyone, government, globalist billionaire, or petty tyrant on a city council, who doesn't trust you and me with a gun, can not themselves by trusted. Furthermore, as David Codrea has so rationally put it, anyone who can not be trusted with a gun can not be trusted to walk among us without a keeper. That means of course that under the "new rules" where we jail our political opponents most such people should be behind bars.

Their latest effort in moving toward their obvious goal of gun confiscation is taking 20 miles from the inch that our "heroes" the hapless Mitch "freeze frame" McConnell (R-Ky.) John Cornyn (R-Texas), and "Traitor Thom" Tillis (R-N.C.) outlined in the surrender document also known as the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA).
During the surrender "negotiations," the people concerned about your freedom tried to explain to the coalition of the gullible that if you give the gun-grabbing ghouls an inch, they'll take a mile. This proves that the pro-freedom folks were correct.
This unconstitutional abomination will put the federal government in control of private property. That's just firearms for now, but who knows what the anti-liberty authoritarians will want to control next?
Have you ever noticed that for all the time they spend calling for these authoritarian abominations and unconstitutional property controls (universal background checks), leftists never quite explain how these are supposed to keep anyone safe?
In point of fact, the people that the gun-grabbing ghouls are concerned with can usually pass the existing background check system (yes, it exists, despite leftist insinuations). Thus, it should be obvious that these are meant to catch as many transfers as possible, so the authoritarians can build an illegal and unconstitutional gun registry.
You should also know that getting permission to own a gun from the government (AKA a gun registry) is the only way to enforce such a system. That will be the left's next step if this unconstitutional abomination is allowed to stand. You can bet on it. If the gun-grabbing ghouls manage to get this, it will take them only a few nanoseconds to start calling for government permission to buy a gun (gun registration).

Here is the reason I have always opposed the background check system. It is a start down the path to the ultimate goal of the gun ghouls, confiscation. Having laws against the misuse of a gun is perfectly fine. But having laws against who can and who can not posses a gun is not fine. Again, if someone can not be trusted to walk among us with a gun, that person can not be trusted without a keeper. What that means in practice is that such people should be locked up. The entire Federal Firearms License industry should fall, and no one keeps a record of who owns what. Before 1968 (I know, that is before most gentle readers were born) people could buy guns at the local Sears or Montgomery-Ward store, and there were regular advertisements in the newspapers.

Our so-called 'gun violence' problem is not that at all. It is, as it has been since Cain killed Able with a rock, a just plain violence problem. It is just violence, committed by people who for various reasons decide that killing is the answer to whatever problems they have. What the gun as done is make it possible for the old, the weak or the infirm to defend themselves against the young, the strong, and the bullies who what take from them what isn't theirs. at is what the government is trying to take from us, and it is wrong.

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