Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Climate Hoaxers Want to Take Your Steak

 While the gun debate continues, and the country slides ever deeper into totalitarianism, let's change the topic, shall we?  Forgive me, but this is a topic near and dear to me: the average American diet, which consists of about 75% grains in various forms from breakfast cereal, to bread, to crunchy snacks, cakes, and pies, plus other carbs such as potatoes and potato products.

While I am no mere skeleton with skin, I have lost a great deal of weight on a high fat, moderate protein diet with close to zero carbohydrates.  More importantly, my blood work improved greatly, and I have been off blood pressure meds for two years now.  Call it the Banting diet, the Atkins diet, the Protein Power diet, or as it has lately been called, the Carnivore diet. All of these diets, and there are others out there that fall into this group, have in common that each is a ketogenic diet. That is, they put you into the fat burning mode. Interestingly, eating fat doesn't make you fat, in fact it is just the opposite.  Interestingly also, that ketogenic mode burns fat off the body, but leaves muscles intact.  And it is good for the brain as well.

In any case, there are two interesting reports today that touch on this topic.  The first, by Tristan Justice at The Federalist is titled Ozempic Is A Permanent Treatment To A Preventable Problem That Already Has A Cure. As the map embedded in the article shows, Americans are exceedingly fat, morbidly obese in fact. No matter how hard they try to obey the government's recommendation to cut fats and eat a low fat, high carb diet, they keep getting fatter. They are understandably desperate.

What Americans don't realize is that they have been lied to by the medical institutions, by the media and government for decades. As Nina Teicholz details in her book Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong In A Healthy Diet, we have all been lied to in an effort to boost profits for Big Food, Big Pharma, and boost power for Big Government.

America is losing the fight against obesity. In desperation, Americans are getting hooked on a new kind of 21st century diet pill engineered to capitalize on the crisis.
The latest health craze to sweep the nation features new injections for a preventable condition that already has a cure. Semaglitude, a popular type 2 diabetes medication, is being prescribed off-label to patients eager to lose weight.
The pharmaceutical solution being sold as a “miracle” cure to runaway obesity has become such a blockbuster success that the weight-loss drugs are “reshaping Denmark’s economy.” Denmark is home to the manufacturers of two name-brand obesity medicines, Ozempic and Wegovy.

(As an aside, doctors were punished, losing their rights to practice at certain hospitals and sometimes their licenses to practice at all for prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine off label, but not Ozempic. Funny how when profits are to be made, the rules change?)

The CDC estimates 6 in 10 Americans already have at least one chronic illness. Four in 10 have two or more. People who are obese can expect to pay double in health care costs over their lifetime. Those costs triple and quadruple as weight gain accelerates.
Put simply, there is far more money to be made on a population chronically obese than one at an otherwise healthy weight. Ozempic, meanwhile, is a medication that can exploit the desire for weight loss without solving the crisis. A spring report from The Wall Street Journal noted patients who quit taking Ozempic often see their weight go back up.
“Patient testimonies have focused not only on the dramatic effect on their waistlines, but also on how quickly many seem to pack the pounds back on if they stop taking the injections,” the report read. “That may not be ideal for patients, but for Wall Street it is a feature rather than a bug.”
On the other hand, remaining on Ozempic brings consequences of its own. A study from 2020 that examined patients who took once-weekly injections over a 52-week period found that while users of Semaglitude lost 7.4 pounds of fat, they also lost 5 pounds of muscle. It’s hard to describe a weight loss drug where 40 percent of the weight lost is muscle as some kind of “miracle” elixir.

Reading between the lines, one can see why the Wuhan Flu was such a perfect pandemic. For Big Pharma, it represented billions of dollars in profits, profits they don't want to let go of. For Big Government, it offered the perfect time to try out their most authoritarian schemes to see which ones worked the best. Many Americans failed the test, by the way. Of course, it offered the media the excuse to scare the public yet more. A lot of people got off work yet still got paid. No wonder they are ramping it up again. Oh, and let's not forget China, that got to test out a bioweapon without bringing down full scale war on itself. Win-Win-Win for those who want to control you and me.

Here's the truth, though it is easy to miss it among the thousands of weight loss diets and exercise plans. We evolved into the humans we are eating a diet largely consisting of hunting and eating animals. We preferred the fattest cuts of meat and organ meat, as these provided the most nutrition and energy. Our ancient ancestors were in constant ketosis, which allowed them to go for days between meals living off the literal fat of the land.

The American obesity epidemic has remained an ongoing battle for decades. Hampered by bad science leading Americans to obsess over calories and pursue low-fat, high carb diets, obesity exploded from just 13 percent of U.S. adults in 1962 to more than 1 in 3 today.
Fat storage, however, is determined by complex interactions between hormones and enzymes and dictated by the quality of our diet. Contrary to federal nutrition guidelines affected by the food industry, optimal metabolic health achieved with a minimally processed high-fat, low carb diet complete with an exercise regimen is one long-lasting antidote to obesity.

The second report that is of interest today is by Pete Colan at the American Thinker entitled There's something fishy about eating bugs. The notion that we should eat bugs is that somehow insects do not burp or fart, thus do not create greenhouse gases. There is so much wrong with this idea, however, that we need to unpack it piece by piece.

The first part of this theory is that greenhouse gases are warming the planet and that we will all burn up in 12 years. This is simply not true, but let us give the devil his due, and assume it is true. The next part of this theory is that cows, sheep, goats and other ruminant animals burp and fart carbon dioxide and to a smaller amount methane into the atmosphere. Thus, if none of these animals are around to do so, less global warming! We will be allowed to live for an extra three months. Hurray!

But wait...if ruminant animals are eating grass, and grass is taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere in the first place, the cows don't really add any greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. They just recycle the carbon dioxide that is already there.

But hold on, there's more as it turns out. Using the natural instincts of ruminants to herd together tightly, one can cause them to build up the soil by storing carbon in the soil, thus they actually reduce the atmospheric carbon dioxide load. You can read about it in a book by Nicholette Hahm Niman entitled Defending Beef: The Ecological and Nutritional Case for Meat.

Like any wide-reaching initiative the Left pushes, the long-term effects are never really thought out, which would also make them lousy chess players, but I digress. Examples of initiatives (like bug-eating) that have and will fail not only because the premise behind them is fundamentally flawed but because they lack sufficient critical thinking, planning and testing:
- Eliminate fossil fuels and go to electric vehicles by 2035. By now we all know how ridiculous the notion is to push EV’s so fast with their unproven reliability and range, lack of any plan for a supportive infrastructure, dependence on foreign nations for raw materials, etc. But the Left’s commitment to this folly us unwavering.
- Eliminate coal and natural gas power plant and build solar and wind energy production. Not only is this notion woefully unreliable and wasteful, but did anyone bother to do the math on this? I did, and based on the average efficiency of solar panels, the U.S. would have to sacrifice three entire average-size states to have enough solar panels to satisfy our current power needs, and that’s without any form of energy storage.
- mRNA vaccines are “safe and effective.” Well, now we know they were more harmful to healthy young people than the virus itself , while truly safe and effective mitigation protocols like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were outlawed.
Are we therefore ready to jump on the cricket train and accept that eating bugs instead of steak and spare ribs are the best long-term solution to human survival? Do we simply accept the premise that bugs don’t create so-called “greenhouse gases”? Well, they do. “Insects, like people, require oxygen to live and produce carbon dioxide as a waste product.” Oh, and insects also fart, emitting methane (termites), nitrous oxide (ants) and a whole host of “climate-change” poisons.

Frankly, before I dip into a termite nest for sustenance, I'll hunt down one of the King's deer. I am pretty sure that nobody in the Davos crowd is really concerned about the climate, nor believes the propaganda that St. Greta of Thunburg puts out. What they do believe is that the population needs to be reduced because their vaunted "technology" will eliminate too many jobs. They think we won't know what to do with ourselves, and will bring pitch forks to bear against them. In other words, Klaus Schwab and company are luddites. These are people who can't imagine that we will find better ways to use our time when freed from the tasks we are doing now. But man has proven that in fact he does adapt. Schwab envisions that he must figure out what to do for all of us. But it isn't up to him. It is rather up to each of us.

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