Tuesday, September 12, 2023

We need an exorcism

Andrea Widburg is a senior editor at the American Thinker, who points today to two writers she admires at Two astute conservative commentators show how far we have deviated from normal in America. Of course, I encourage gentle readers to read Widburg's piece, as she is always an astute commentator as well. Naturally, I read both articles to which Mrs. Widburg hyperlinked, for to fail to do so would be blogging malpractice, no?

Styne's article is typically witty and acerbic, and as always, well worth reading. It points out that nothing about the current situation is "normal." I will just quote the end:

How about none of the above? Maybe half the country - or, to be more precise, forty-six per cent of registered voters - thinks the real problem is that the system no longer provides for any meaningful course correction. You can vote for an end to open borders, but you won't get it. You can vote to bring home the jobs that got shipped to China, but China owns all the politicians, all the "big guys" with the "ten per cent". You can vote against two-decade wars that end with the world's hyperpower losing to goatherds with fertiliser, but back at the Pentagon they just take a twenty-minute tea-break, throw a dart in the map, and start it all up somewhere else.
The Trump presidency was undone by Joe Biden's signing pen about ten minutes after inauguration. But that wasn't enough for the Uniparty. Like Oliver Cromwell, he has to be dug up and beheaded, over and over and over, and all his allies too, from Giuliani to that Florida grandmother - until you guys get the message.
Why pretend that's "normal" and meekly fall in line and move on to Nikki Haley? Even if you're going to lose, you might as well take a stand with Trump against the "normalization" of a system determined to criminalize you.
You can't have "normal" politics in a country where one side gets endlessly indicted and the other never is (notwithstanding the latest fake-o headlines about the not-so-Special Counsel promising to throw the book at Hunter on gun charges). America is dying before your eyes. Why pretend that's normal?

Please read the Mark Steyn article. The reference to the Conrad Black trial is to show how the government seeks through underhanded means to intimidate coworkers and friends to turn on you, hoping to be eaten last. This same tactic is being done to Trump now. That is why his lawyers are being indicted for doing their jobs.

Everything Steyn says in his essay is true. And we should not take these things as 'normal.' But I cannot help but believe that there is something much deeper that is guiding this decent into depravity. More and more others see it too. I have been told by people as inestimable as Francis W. Porretto that I must appeal on grounds other than religious, but I am compelled to do otherwise. I am here today to say these things to you because Jesus Christ saved my life, and I must proclaim Him.

Widburg also hyperlinks to Don Surber, an author I had not been familiar with, but who seems to see the thing, the beast, beneath the surface, moving the pieces on the chess board, always 10 moves ahead of us mere mortals. He calls it Satanic. Yet, Christ fights for us. How can we lose?

Again, I will quote from the end of Surber's essay, but read the whole thing to understand how he arrives at his conclusions:,/p>

The Christians built this nation into the greatest land of all. It took them only 300 or so years. Along the way, they created a government that was meant to protect their rights. It has devolved into the biggest threat to America. We have met the domestic terrorists. They sit at desks in Washington.
The enemy from within used 9/11 to expand federal power and to launch wars. Once 9/11 served this purpose, it was discarded. Billionaire Mike Bloomberg supported building a Victory Mosque near Ground Zero. This year, Mayor Eric Adams has the Muslim Call to Prayer intoned throughout the city. Biden is spending 9/11 in Alaska, as far away from New York as possible and still be in the USA — and away from Maui and East Palestine, Ohio.
Satan has taken over just about every institution in the country that matters. Even churches now work for him, if unwittingly. We can call it communism or fascism but the only name that fits is Satanism.
How else do you describe a political movement based on pedophilia and the mutilation of children through hormone blockers and butchery on the surgeons table?
How else do you describe Red China turning our streets into opium dens with zombie fentanyl users?
How else do you describe a police state that arrests those who try to stop a crime while ignoring actual criminals?
The left gave up on the war on drugs but kept every one of those laws. They now use the laws against the opposition. It is everything Real Americans oppose. It is evil. It is Satanist.
We need an exorcism, folks.

I do not know if an exorcism can be performed on a whole country. But we can pray that God will soon bring this demonic infestation to and end, and turn all eyes back to Him, for in Him is our only hope.

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