Wednesday, September 20, 2023

What Ever You Call It, It Means Rule By The Elites

 At work the other day, we had a brief discussion about the idea of taxation without representation.  My co-worker insisted that I had representation, and therefore it was right to tax me.  I on the other hand, claimed that I do not have representation. Why?  Because my representative is from a different party than I am, and has different ideas about...well...everything.

Now, I don't know Mr. Wiley Nickel, lately the Congressional representative of the 13th Congressional District of North Carolina, personally.  But I suspect if we met for coffee, we would agree on little.  Mr. Nickel is there because the Democrats, in collusion with the Democrat State Supreme Court and the Democrat Attorney General sued and sued until the Republican Legislature was forced to redraw district maps to make the 13th District a Democrat seat.

Now, Mr. Nickel might be the nicest person in the world.  But being a Democrat, he votes for the Democrat Party line pretty much every time.  And why wouldn't he?  After all, if he goes against the party, they are likely to pull any choice assignments and take away any influence he might have.  Would that Republicans had similar iron party discipline.  But that wouldn't solve the problem.  Not really.

The problem with democracy and with our form of representative democracy is that agree or disagree, the individual is at the mercy of the majority, at least in theory.  But in practice, unless one is one of the "ruling elite," one is at the mercy of the rulers, no matter the system of government.

J. B. Shurk brings all this into sharp focus in an article at the American Thinker today entitled Communism, Fascism, Globalism...What's the Difference? In fact, as Shurk points out, the difference is without distinction. They rule, you obey. Got it?

Monarchy, communism, fascism, globalism — what's the difference? At the end of the day, we are talking about a system of government in which centralized power belongs to a small group of elites who use their control over economic, military, and intelligence-collecting institutions to rule over everyone else. Whether it is a government run by Mussolini, a king, the self-described "proletariat," or an international cabal of central banks and corporations — it is a dictatorship all the same.
Let's not pretend that raw "democracy" is significantly different. As early-twentieth-century sociologist Robert Michels laid out in his treatise, "Political Parties," an "iron law of oligarchy" guarantees that a small group of elites eventually rise to "rule over" any form of democratic organization. Representative democracy, Michels argued, is a "facade" that legitimizes the continuing "rule" of some elite class.

Of course, our Founders saw fit to include in the design of our republic certain rights that are supposed to sacred, and not up for debate or a vote. I fact, they called these first 10 Amendments the "Bill of Rights."  And the courts, appointed for life, are supposed to uphold these rights. Alas, the courts have been very poor at their job. Thus, we have the government saying that freedom is slavery, that free speech requires censorship, boys can become girls, and other such asininity. It is as if they are using George Orwell's novel 1984 as a how-to manual. In short, the system is rigged so that the rich and powerful become richer and more powerful, while the rest of us toil to make them rich and powerful.

The other thing our Founders designed into the system was limits to what the government could do. As long as the government stayed within the limits provided for its scope, it didn't impact the average citizen too much, and that was a good thing. But over the last 120 years or so, the government has blown past all limits on itself. to where it has become a leviathon, and we were persuaded to let it do so.

This whole globalist march toward a New World Order is taking us to a place where Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, their clones, a few royal families, a few multinational investment firms, a handful of central bank pirates, and a small club of international politicians can sit around a circular table adorned with a map of the world under their oppressive control. Even then, with the whole world belonging to a few dozen people (sprinkled with a politically correct ratio of races, ethnicities, and made-up genders, of course), the ruling dictators will haughtily chortle, "This is what democracy looks like."
They would be right. In practice, "democracy" looks a lot like a small cabal of ruling elites forcing everyone else to obey their commands. Whenever sane people reach the mistaken conclusion that they are actually in charge of their own government, they are quickly reminded that all dissent must be met with political persecution, lawless surveillance, unjust arrest, and censored speech — you know, the standard J6 treatment.
Mass protests against vote fraud and in support of free and fair elections are arguably the essence of real democracy — unless "democracy" really just means rule by the Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, McConnells, Pelosis, the Federal Reserve, the Intelligence Community, and the wealthiest, woke-iest ESG-DIE-supporting elites. In that case, real democracy must be punished as insurrectionist treason. The people must be made to believe that they are governing themselves but can never be allowed to actually do so.
The "ruling class" will spy on, harass, intimidate, imprison, and torture the whole American population, by golly, if doing so will allow it to preserve the illusion of a stable "democracy." Any American who opposes being Abu Ghraib–ed on U.S. soil, after all, is only pushing some dangerous form of "populism" that should be ignored. Much as an abuser justifies physical harm for the victim's "own good," the federal government has decided that the surefire way to save "democracy" is to beat the American people into submission. Only when the people have been coerced into a state of compliance will they be given back their "privileges." When the "ruling class" says that MAGA is a threat to "democracy," what it means is that any political movement operating outside of its control is a threat to the continued dictatorship of the Deep State.

Shurk believes that the way out of this mess is to return to the notion if individual liberty, of limited government. I am not so sure. The Left has been putting the take over of the world, and of course the United States for decades. Such a single minded purpose and design is a conspiracy that can only be called demonic. It will take the power of God and Jesus Christ to overcome. We must do what we can, but we must also trust in Him and pray.

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