Friday, October 6, 2023

Alienating Your Customers

 In a post at Bearing Arms entitled Shut up and take my money: Americans fed up with businesses taking political stands, Cam Edwards addresses a problem we all face. Keep in mind that most things we purchase represent tranactional relationships. Maybe some things are purchased on the basis of brand loyalty, but most are not. For a lot of my purchases, cost is a major factor. For others, convenience is the determining factor. Businesses may hold certain beliefs privately, but when they publically come out against my beliefs and values, I have to ask whether I should contine to support them with my money. My answer is often "No!"

Now, I don't drink beer, but I have watched what happened to Bud Lite after the bruhaha over Dylan Mulvaney, and I applauded. The company basically spat in the faces of Bud Lite loyalists, and got what it deserved. I don't darken the doorway of Target stores any more because they promoted transgender garbage and child sexualization in their stores. I switched from Verizon to Patriot Mobil because Patriot Mobil does not support Planned Parenthood, and Verizon does. Taking stands as these companies have done alienates those of us who hold to traditional beliefs.

Whether it’s banks cutting off financial services to members of disfavored industries like the firearms sector or companies like Levi’s banning guns from stores and donating millions to anti-gun efforts, the gun control lobby has made great strides in convincing the corporate sector to adopt and advocate for their policies and practices over the past decade or so. I’d go so far as to say the biggest victories for the anti-gunners haven’t taken place in courtrooms, statehouses, or even the halls of Congress, but can be found instead in the culture at large.
According to a new Gallup survey, however, Americans are getting sick and tired of being lectured by corporations like these… though it probably won’t come as a surprise that a majority of Democrats are still in support, given that the vast majority of companies who take public sides on issues like gun control embrace the Left’s ideology.
Americans are sending a message that they’re fed up and sick of the haranguing and finger-wagging from the corporate sector, and while this survey alone may not change any attitudes in boardrooms, the recent experiences of companies like Anheuser-Busch and Target are a glaring warning sign to those CEOs who want to enlist their company in the Left’s culture wars; shut up and take our money, or keep talking and watch us walk away.
The Left wants to make everything political, including the color of your socks. Americans are getting fed up with that. Some things are just transactional. I just need a can of corn. Doesn't matter if its Del Monte or Green Giant. But if one of these is spouting Leftist propaganda, I will buy the other.

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