Friday, October 6, 2023

Marx Was A Satanist

 Was Karl Marx a bastard?  I think in fact that Karl Marx was a Satanist, setting himself up in the place of God.  But Jeffrey Folks at the American Thinker is content to point out the things that make Marx a very bad man in an article entitled Marx Was a Bastard.

Karl Marx was a bastard. He was a man who never worked a day in his life, a parasite who never produced a single object of value and who survived and wrote by sponging off others, especially his impressionable protégé, Friedrich Engels. Marx was also a hypocrite. While he spoke constantly of equality, Marx kept servants to whom he was not particularly generous or kind. He loved no one except himself — all of which qualifies him, in my definition, as a "bastard."
A man earns respect by virtue of how he has conducted his life, by his concern for his family and friends, and by what he has contributed to others, not just in material terms, but in terms of kindness, goodness, and decency. On all of these counts, Marx was unworthy.

You can read the sordid details of Marx's personal life, the way he treated his servants and his family. I have read it before and do not wish to repeat it here. What I am interested here is the nature of his philosophy, and the effect it has had on the world. For whatever else Marx was, his writings have become the basis for governments all over the world. In the last 100 or so years, Marxism has made inroads into the United States, and seems ascendant on the national level. We are becoming Cuba or Venezuela.

There is clear evidence that Marx was of Jewish heritage, though he converted to Christianity late in life. Yet Jews come in for extreme abuse in his writing: given the association of Judaism and banking in 19th-century thought, an association that Hitler later used to foment hatred of Jews in Germany, Marx's anti-capitalist theory was inevitably aimed at Jews as well. While Marx's 1843 essay "On the Jewish Question" promotes the ultimate elimination of all religion, it focuses on an identification between Judaism and bourgeois capitalism — a connection that Marx viewed as evil. There was in Marx's writing no recognition of the contribution of Jews to the economic advancement of Western Europe. Instead, there was a nearly murderous rejection of everything associated with Judaism — not just capitalism, but the long spiritual heritage.
Far greater than these personal failings, of course, was the destruction that Marx's writing and political activism brought to the world. One can attribute as many as 250 million deaths to the influence of Marxist thinking on world thought since his death. Estimates vary, but Mao is said to have killed 50 to 70 million in China. Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler, two communists and a National Socialist influenced by Marx, killed another 150 million in wars, genocide, and political murder. Lenin's policy of starving populations that opposed him, or that he thought might oppose him, resulted in widespread cannibalism. Pol Pot in Cambodia and the Kim family in North Korea and others in Latin America have killed millions either by way of execution or by withholding food. Civil wars in Africa and Latin America brought about unspeakable crimes against humanity in the name of Marxist equality.
Marxism is so destructive because it is based on resentment, the same ugly sentiment that fueled the French Revolution. But Marxism has been far worse than what happened in France because it provided a credible but false ideology with which to justify one's resentment of others. Marxism made of envy — which all previous world religions had depicted as the worst of human emotions (traditionally regarded as the motive for Satan's rebellion against God) — a justifiable and even ennobling quality. Under Marxism, this vicious sentiment was what the vanguard employed to lead the masses into a justified if bloody struggle of self-assertion and class solidarity.
Progressive politicians have done everything possible to fuel resentment in modern America. Constructed identities — African-American, Hispanic, LGBT, "the poor," and the rest — are part of a long-term strategy to divide Americans and create unrest so as to foment crises that require government action. Taking their ideas from Marx and Marxian theorists like Saul Alinsky, liberals have fomented resentment and division with the assumption that they, liberal politicians, academics, and media will gain from the ensuing social division.

Folks claims that Marx was Jewish but converted to Christianity late in life. I dispute that, for to be Christian is to follow (or try to) Christ's teachings. A recent Huffington Post headline read the Christ was woke. But he wasn't. Neither was he a political conservative. Jesus was in fact apolitical, espousing that we should "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's." But Jesus did follow the Law of Moses, one of which is that you shall not covet your neighbor's things. That implies that your neighbor legitimately has property. But Marx's who philosophy is based on envy.  Using the state to take what is your neighbor's things.  They have it, we want it, let's take it.  That is Marxism in a nut shell.  This is also the philosophy driving the globalists today. Instead, what all these people living out the Leftist philosophy of Marx have in common is a devotion to the father of lies, Satan.

Marxism isn't new.  It is as old as Adam and Eve.  Satan has always wanted to place himself in the place of God.  Look around you, at San Fransico, at L.A., where human waste lines the streets.  Look at modern art, music, plays and novels.  Nothing is beautiful any more except what God made.  These are all signs of Leftism and of Satan.  Look at the recent looting and pillaging in Philadelphia.  Look, open your eyes and see.  We must all turn to Him, for He is truly our Founder.

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