Sunday, October 29, 2023

What the gun control agenda is REALLY about

D. Pparker has a post at the American Thinker entitled The dirty 'gun control' secret of the left. Parker again points out that the Lewiston, ME shooter was a prohibited person, and at least one of his targets was a so-called "gun free zone." Yet he broke these gun controls to carry out his evil plan.

This is the dirty little open secret of the gun grabber left, with virtually all their policy obsessions centered on taking guns away from their political opposition. None of their fascist fixations even gets close to addressing the severely increasing crisis of crime and terrorism.
Now, we ask: why is that the case? Why do they care more about confiscating guns from innocent people than criminals and terrorists who pose a severe threat to public safety by several orders of magnitude?
The answer should be obvious: the harmless people of our society who own most of the guns impede the fascist far left’s attainment of full societal control. Amazingly, a VOX article “explained” this last year while also pushing one of the most ridiculous “good guy with a gun” arguments ever made.
Those on the fascist far left aren’t against guns. They love them — in their hands. They just don’t want them in ours. That is the true fraud of gun control. That is the lesson everyone needs to investigate, learn, and remember because it has stunning implications for freedom across the board.

And there it is. The Left isn't really against guns. After all, wasn't it Mao that said "Power grows out of the barrel of a gun"? The who gun-control, gun confiscation pose is to take guns from those who oppose the Left.

Remember, this has nothing to do with safety. The experience of Israel and those in the states arming themselves should be proof of this. This is all about political power and control. They don’t care about crime.
All they care about is confiscating our guns to empower themselves.

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