Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Standing With Israel

I urge gentle readers to go read John Nantz's article at Townhall.com entitled Our National and Christian Duty Is To Support Israel

It is first our national duty because we are also the target of the Muslims. We have been importing Muslims consciously for going on now 30 years. These people do not want to assimilate into American life. They want to destroy us, and impose sharia.  They have discovered our weak spot: our apparent tolerance. But tolerance only goes so far. Tolerance is the ability to accept ideas to which you do not agree. Kind of like the body accepting very low doses of things that in higher doses would poison it. Islam is a poisonous ideology, and we should not tolerate it. But we have let it into our body politic, so must now be prepared to defend ourselves.

We also have a duty to stand with Israel because while we are a Christian nation, we espouse a Judeo-Christian philosophy. As a Christian nation, though a secular government, we have a duty to, at the very least, discourage the Arab nations surrounding Israel from taking advantage of Israel's concentration on Hamas to open another front in the war. We do this because in blessing Israel, we bring down God's blessings on America. We must stand with the Jews, and Israel if for no other reason than to quell the savagery used against them.

Is the Israeli-“Palestinian” conflict a proverbial hill to die on? Well, if you happen to claim the titles Christian and patriot, the answer is a resounding yes!
It feels almost pedantic to rehash these points, but the constant flow of sludge propagating pro “Palestinian” propaganda justifies it. Surprisingly, the orchestrated Iranian psy-ops campaign seems to have taken in a handful of conservative social media personalities, to include a prominent former Green Beret. I’m at a loss to reconcile the “prepared” ethos with a noncommittal perspective on the ravages of Hamas terrorists.
The documented atrocities perpetrated on October 7th would seem to overwhelm any qualms possessed by thinking people. The equivalent of more than forty thousand Americans were slaughtered on that day. Townhall’s Spencer Brown has reported thoroughly and consistently on the litany of murders and other war crimes perpetrated by Hamas operatives on unarmed and helpless Israeli citizens. In addition, many Europeans and American citizens were caught in the murderous dragnet. Supposed humanitarians who argue for enhanced financial support of Gaza’s inhabitants conveniently exclude the damning fact of Hamas’ annual budget, totaling approximately $380 million dollars. That’s a lot of bread, butter, and fuel.
Hand wringing over the violence spilling across borders and involving Hezbollah or Iran directly are the bleatings of Iranian sycophants. This week, the Biden administration offered a token military response to attacks perpetrated by Iranian proxies. But, the timidity and appeasement strategy employed by every liberal Democrat administration only emboldens the enemies of democracy. We are witnessing the global destabilization resultant from axis of evil powers filling the voids left by Biden’s flaccidity. A steady diet of vanilla pudding doesn’t lend itself to engaging a vigorous foreign policy with lethal adversaries dedicated to the eradication of democratic republics.
We are in grave danger. Not from DOJ’s fictional “white supremacists” or school board soccer moms, but from a doddering old fool posing as president, and the foreign adversaries that have him on their payroll. The existential threats are actually from governing elites ensconced in our federal agencies who conduct campaigns of political activism from their headquarter’s ivory towers. The OPSEC mechanism of compartmentalization has been weaponized to keep investigations and prosecutions under the cover of surreptitious obscurity, and safe from the revelatory efforts of principled, conscientious whistleblowers.

In studying the Constitution, I became convinced that the document was heavily influenced not only by the founding fathers' study of history, but also of the Bible. Many of the ideas incorporated in the Constitution are derived from the Bible and Christianity. That includes both the religions freedom in the First Amendment and the prohibition on any religious test for office. The Founders had noted the religious wars that had rocked Europe. In short, then, one could posit that the Constitution was an inspired document.

It’s dumbfounding to hear people equivocate on the issue of whether America should involve itself in this new conflict, which is really a very old conflict. A patriot will feel a deep sense that Israeli’s are compatriots. Every foundational principle that enables the formulation and existence of our own liberties and inalienable rights comes directly from the fount of Biblical tradition. That tradition was transmitted through the ancient patriarchs, and the principles of governance and jurisprudence established by the organization of first the theocratic, nascent nation of Israel and, to a lesser degree, its later ego-centric, monarchical construction.
Theologically, the analysis is really simple and is explicit in Genesis 12:3 “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” God hasn’t changed his mind over the millennia. And, pregnant in that scripture is the promise of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who alone possesses the power to bring peace not only geo-politically, but far more importantly, peace between God and mankind. All that is required is a simple, personal act of faith; an acknowledgment of your complete insufficiency and Christ’s complete sufficiency to reconcile you to the Father. (Romas 10:13)
Just as we each have a duty to defend our own lives and the lives of people under our care, so Israel has a duty to defend the nation of Israel. And just as our duty to defend may involve the death of our attacker in order to make them stop, so Israel may end up killing Hamas soldiers to make them stop. The difference is that while we have a justice system, broken though it is, nations do not. Therefore, Israel may have to go further than we do as indivicuals, and we should stand with them.

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